Glossary entry

Italian term or phrase:


English translation:

supply chain / production chain

Added to glossary by Julie Preston
May 22, 2002 07:27
22 yrs ago
Italian term


Italian to English Other Textiles / Clothing / Fashion textiles
nel ciclo complessivo delle filiere tessili, la responsabilità della qualità.......

Discussion May 22, 2002:
filiera Ooops! Sorry, filiera was the word as in the text

Proposed translations

12 mins

supply chain / production chain

supply chain:
più volte discusso su ProZ e altre liste

Esiste anche: production chain
(a seconda del contesto)

The different steps of the production chain are: 1. Selection
of satellite imagery 2. Collection and Organization of Ancillary Data 3 ... chain.htm - 12k - Copia cache - Pagine simili

BioMatNet Item: FAIR-CT97-3784 - Optimisation of the production ... - [ Traduci questa pagina ]
... BioMatNet Database - FAIR Program], FAIR-CT97-3784 Optimisation of the production
chain for high performance "light natural sandwich materials" (LNS) as a basis ... - 16k - Copia cache - Pagine simili

SD : Environment : "Energizing" the food production chain for the ... - [ Traduci questa pagina ]
Posted July 1996. "Energizing" the food production chain for
the attainment of food security. ... - 29k - Copia cache - Pagine simili

TNO Research Products in the Production Chain 'From Feed to

Peer comment(s):

agree Gian
11 mins
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks, perfect solution! "
1 min

Textile Show

Or Textile Fair
but in the US is Show.


Note added at 2002-05-22 07:47:15 (GMT)

Textile Show = Fiere Tessili.....I guess I misunderstood your typo.
Textile Industry is what you are looking for, I believe, or \"apparel-textile industry\", like Derek suggested.
Peer comment(s):

neutral Derek Smith : Hi Massimo - depends on whether there's an extra "i" (in which case you're right), or a missing "l", in which case maybe I am...
10 mins
I guess you are right.........I thoguth the Q. was about Fiere.......not Filerie
Something went wrong...
Comment: "My mistake, sorry - too early in the morning to write!"
9 mins

apparel-textile industry

Hi Julie, I was going to say just "textile industry" but (incredibly enough) Logos came up with this racy little combo (I am assuming you have a typo in your question here).
Peer comment(s):

agree Massimo Gaido
7 mins
Something went wrong...
Comment: "Good answer - other words fits whole doc better. Thanks"
30 mins

small and medium sized textile companies

However, if you have a look at Proz Gloss... if I'm not wrong, this word was already translated.

Something went wrong...
1 hr

threading die, die chaser

Definizione: s.f.
1 (mecc.) (per filettare) die, threading die, die chaser, screw-cutting die
2 (mecc.) (trafila) die, drawplate, drawing machine
3 (tess., chim.) spinneret(te); nozzle
4 (di ragno) spinneret.
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