May 2, 2002 22:26
22 yrs ago
Portuguese term

Proposed translations

14 hrs

we don't say anything for 'com licenca' in this context

[This occured to me after putting my peer grades in.]

A couple points: firstly, my peer grade to Grasa should read increases, not increase. It's a typo.

Secondly, and my main point, when Brazilians (and presumably other pt speakers) go into a house they always say 'com licenca'. (It's a courtesy that I came to really like when I was over there!) When I'm on my way into someone's house in England I don't say anything. In my experience a Brazilian guest will speak first and say 'Com licenca' and then get a 'fique a vontade' or whatever. In England, the host will say 'Come on in' and the guest just says 'Thanks' and 'Where can I put my coat?'

The asker, Ulisses, clearly stated 'ao entrar na casa de uma outra pessoa', so I suggest we don't say anything for Com Licenca here. Just 'Gosh what a lovely place' or 'Wow your flat is stunning' or some such like.
Peer comment(s):

agree Silvia Borges : É verdade, quando o costume não existe, fica esquisito ou até incompreensível. "Your house is gorgeous / stunning" would suffice.
1 hr
Thanks, Silvia
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
3 mins

With your permission. Your house is dazzling

With permission. Your house is amazing.
Peer comment(s):

agree Marian Greenfield : Rather than your first sentence, I would say, Pardon me.
0 min
thanks, Marian. Excuse me, pardon me, why not!
Something went wrong...
14 mins

If I may say so, your house is amazing.

Sounds more english this way, I think.
Peer comment(s):

agree Daniel Marcus : or 'stunning'
21 mins
agree Jane Lamb-Ruiz (X)
33 mins
agree henley
1 hr
agree Katriana Vader
1 hr
agree Mariane Oliveira
3 hrs
agree Roberto Cavalcanti
3 hrs
agree Silvia Serra
7 hrs
agree suesimons
7 hrs
agree Enza Longo
7 hrs
agree Ana Pardal
13 hrs
Something went wrong...
1 hr

Excuse me. Your house is beautiful!

Num contexto menos formal.
Peer comment(s):

agree Daniel Marcus
12 hrs
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2 hrs

excuse me! I think your home is quite fascinating ( dazzling)

excuse me - expressao de delicadeza ao entrar na casa, deve ser considerado... em ingles ( US) as pessoas sao muito atenciosas a essa delicadeza. Nao acredito que aqui esse "da licensa" e desculpas adiantadas pelo elogio da casa>

Uso "home" que mostra o ambiente residential como a moradia ( arquitetura, decoracao, vista, jardim). O termo deslumbrante nao justifica so' house( que normalmente e' a parte fisica- paredes, casa a venda: house for sale!) aqui, a pessoa esta dando as boas vindas, ou ali como alguem responsavel pelo deslumbramento da outra.
Dazzling- e mais no sentido de reluzente, ( com muita luz), a menos que a casa tenha muitas janelas e a luz de fora e' tao intensa que justificaria dazzling) e pelo menos por aqui no NW nao' e usado pra houses, homes...

dazzling e' mais usado pra pessoas aqui.
she dazzled last night.( atraiu todas as atencoes, estava reluzente.
Peer comment(s):

agree Aida Macedo
1 hr
agree Ligia Dias Costa
7 hrs
neutral Daniel Marcus : I think 'quite fascinating' sounds weird here and possibly even sarcastic. And why exactly would you put an exclamation mark after 'excuse me?' This increase the air of something amiss, which one doesn't get from the original pt.
11 hrs
Something went wrong...
10 hrs

Pardon me, but your house is amazing!

none needed
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14 hrs

Excuse me. You've got a wonderful place!

informal talking
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