Feb 2, 2007 11:29
18 yrs ago
1 viewer *
Russian term
По остальным пунктам...информация осталась без изменений.
Russian to English
Law (general)
По остальным пунктам информационного письма банку от 31.10.05 №___ информация осталась без изменений.
Proposed translations
Proposed translations
40 mins
In regard to other items... the information remains unchanged.
IMO simply Present Simple :)
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "Thank you, Laurencja!"
7 mins
Regarding other clauses...information has remained the same
8 mins
with respect to other clauses / provisions / parapgraphs / articles ...
the letter remained unchange
На знаю, что подразумевается под "пунктами, поэтому предложил несколько вариантов...
Note added at 9 mins (2007-02-02 11:38:54 GMT)
...** the information remained unchanged** of course
На знаю, что подразумевается под "пунктами, поэтому предложил несколько вариантов...
Note added at 9 mins (2007-02-02 11:38:54 GMT)
...** the information remained unchanged** of course
Peer comment(s):
agree |
Karen Sughyan
2 hrs
agree |
Alexandra Tussing
1 day 10 hrs
agree |
erika rubinstein
2 days 23 hrs
12 mins
Information relative to the rest of the items ...remained unchanged/stayed the same
1 hr
Regarding the remaining paragraphs...the information remains unchanged.
I like using a clause and a period to set off the first part of the sentence as well as the translation paragraph or subsection for
"пункт" as it is a document instead of the more generic term "items" since we don't know from the clause if a list exists or not.
"пункт" as it is a document instead of the more generic term "items" since we don't know from the clause if a list exists or not.
5 hrs
All other paragraphs remain unchanged
All other paragraphs remain unchanged
(Безо всякого "information". Это плеоназм и подстрочник.)
(Безо всякого "information". Это плеоназм и подстрочник.)
7 hrs
Otherwise, no change
As short as it gets
Something went wrong...