Glossary entry (derived from question below)
Russian term or phrase:
оставить в силе решение суда
English translation:
to uphold a ruling/decision
Added to glossary by
Marina Aleyeva
Jul 15, 2004 06:51
20 yrs ago
4 viewers *
Russian term
оставить в силе ...
Russian to English
Law (general)
Суд оставил в силе решение ...
Proposed translations
Proposed translations
1 hr
Russian term (edited):
������� � ���� ...
uphold the ruling/decision (/verdict - приговор)
Собcтвенное решение - the court upheld its ruling (that...)
Решение другого суда - the court upheld the ruling of / handed down by...
The Supreme Court upheld the ruling of the Court of Appeals and determined that baseball did not classify as interstate commerce, that travel across ...
The court upheld its decision that a compensable “taking” occurred when a state forester denied logging on a nine-acre parcel based on an alleged bald ...
Jordan's military court upheld its guilty verdict Wednesday for 10 ... apress_062304_militarycourt.html
And, finally, in an 8-1 decision, the Court upheld the ruling
that the state pay $360,000 in attorney fees for the plaintiffs. ...
said the company was ``disappointed'' the court rejected the must-carry requirement but ``pleased'' that the court upheld the ruling restricting Microsoft from ...
The court upheld the ruling and from this case came a test of which literature could be put up to, in order to distinguish if it was obscene or not. ...
Note added at 2 hrs 39 mins (2004-07-15 09:30:15 GMT) Post-grading
Но ведь решение суда не утверждают, его оставляют в силе. Мне, во всяком случае, выражение uphold the ruling/decision встречалось именно в таком значении - оставить в силе решение, и, насколько я знаю, это такой же штамп, как и наше оставить в силе.
Решение другого суда - the court upheld the ruling of / handed down by...
The Supreme Court upheld the ruling of the Court of Appeals and determined that baseball did not classify as interstate commerce, that travel across ...
The court upheld its decision that a compensable “taking” occurred when a state forester denied logging on a nine-acre parcel based on an alleged bald ...
Jordan's military court upheld its guilty verdict Wednesday for 10 ... apress_062304_militarycourt.html
And, finally, in an 8-1 decision, the Court upheld the ruling
that the state pay $360,000 in attorney fees for the plaintiffs. ...
said the company was ``disappointed'' the court rejected the must-carry requirement but ``pleased'' that the court upheld the ruling restricting Microsoft from ...
The court upheld the ruling and from this case came a test of which literature could be put up to, in order to distinguish if it was obscene or not. ...
Note added at 2 hrs 39 mins (2004-07-15 09:30:15 GMT) Post-grading
Но ведь решение суда не утверждают, его оставляют в силе. Мне, во всяком случае, выражение uphold the ruling/decision встречалось именно в таком значении - оставить в силе решение, и, насколько я знаю, это такой же штамп, как и наше оставить в силе.
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "Хотя это больше "утвердить". Спасибо!"
2 mins
Russian term (edited):
������� � ���� ...
leave [court's decision] in force
Note added at 3 mins (2004-07-15 06:54:34 GMT)
Note added at 3 mins (2004-07-15 06:54:34 GMT)
7 mins
Russian term (edited):
������� � ���� ...
to let the detainer stand = оставить в силе предписание о заключении под стражу
standing judgement = судебное решение, оставленное в силе
standing judgement = судебное решение, оставленное в силе
45 mins
to stand - иметь силу; сохранять силу, оставаться в силе
Англо-русский юридический словарь.
So, the judgement stands.
So, the judgement stands.
Peer comment(s):
agree |
Kurt Porter
12 mins
agree |
Kevin Kelly
: Correct, but in this context should be "the court let the judgement stand."
32 mins
51 mins
Russian term (edited):
������� � ���� ...
keep in force (in effect, valid)
keep in force
keep in effect
keep valid
Note added at 54 mins (2004-07-15 07:45:16 GMT)
To publish in the report of the thirteenth
session the text of the recommendations which are kept in force. ... The Contractor shall ensure that the coverage required by the contract is kept
in force until the work is accepted by the Housing Authority\'s Inspector. ...
Patents are kept in force by paying annual renewal fees. ...
Note added at 56 mins (2004-07-15 07:47:07 GMT)
Paris and Bern Agreements are kept in effect and mandatory ...
... A quarantine order shall be kept in effect until the Livestock Disease Control
Officer shall determine that there is no further danger of the spread of the ...
keep in effect
keep valid
Note added at 54 mins (2004-07-15 07:45:16 GMT)
To publish in the report of the thirteenth
session the text of the recommendations which are kept in force. ... The Contractor shall ensure that the coverage required by the contract is kept
in force until the work is accepted by the Housing Authority\'s Inspector. ...
Patents are kept in force by paying annual renewal fees. ...
Note added at 56 mins (2004-07-15 07:47:07 GMT)
Paris and Bern Agreements are kept in effect and mandatory ...
... A quarantine order shall be kept in effect until the Livestock Disease Control
Officer shall determine that there is no further danger of the spread of the ...
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