Mar 17, 2005 03:56
19 yrs ago
6 viewers *
Russian term

После регистрации брака присвоены фамилии:

Russian to English Law/Patents Linguistics
Спор тут вышел с одной местной переводчицей по поводу глагола ***присвоены*** в данной фразе. Заказчице вернули перевод, выполненный этой дамой, сказав, что ... Ну, в общем, ничего хорошего не сказали по поводу перевода. Короче, на меня возложена обязанность предоставить исполнителю мнение коллег со ссылками (желательно из серьезных источников).

Даже и не знаю, буду ли присваивать "кудозы" за ответ. Скорее всего буду за наиболее убедительную ссылку и аргументацию.

P.S. В англо-англиийску пару не обращаюсь по поределенным причинам, о которых распространяться нет смысла.


atche84 Mar 19, 2005:
����� �.�.!! ���� � ��������� �� "��������" - �� ���� �� "will bear the name"? ���� � ����� �������, ��� �������� �������������� �����������
Irene N Mar 17, 2005:
��� � � ������� ��������� ��������� - ���� ������� ������ ���� ����� � �������� ���:-)))))). ����, ��� ���� ����� ��� - ��� � ��� �������, ������ �� ������� � ������� ������ ��� ������ � �������� �����?:-) ��� ����� ����������... Mar 17, 2005:
����� ������� � ����������! � �� � ����� �� ��� �������� ��� �������. �� ���� �� �� �� ���!!! ���� � ����� �� ������� ((�) IreneN)...:-)) Mar 17, 2005:
���, � �� �� �������, ��� (given) ���� �������. �� ������� � ���� �����������. � ���� �����, ��������. � �� ���� "���������" � �� ������ ��� ��������� - �� ���� � ��������. ��� ����� ������� ����� "�������� �����"...:-)) Mar 17, 2005:
��� ���������� � �� �������...:-((

Proposed translations

8 mins
Russian term (edited): ����� ���������� ����� �������� �������:

after marriage registration, she acquired the last name:


Note added at 26 mins (2005-03-17 04:22:39 GMT)

How about \"after/following the marriage, the last name was changed to:\"

***Changing Your Name After Marriage***
Although wives have traditionally assumed the husband\'s name, this practice is a social custom, not a legal requirement. If the wife chooses to assume her husband\'s name, she will still sign the marriage documents in her present legal name (same name as appears on the marriage license).
After the marriage, the couple may wish to notify employers, and certain governmental or financial agencies of the change in marital status. Some agencies will accept the red and gold commemorative marriage certificate retained by the couple. However, some agencies may require a certified copy of the marriage record. You may also need a certified copy of your marriage record to change your name for the following purposes:
driver\'s licenses
social security

Note added at 40 mins (2005-03-17 04:36:53 GMT)

There is another version: \"the last name assumed by the groom:
the last name assumed by the bride:...\"
Married Last Name
In Alberta, a woman may assume the last name of her husband as this is traditionally recognized. She may assume just his last name or her last name combined with his; the order of the two last names is optional.

When a woman marries in Alberta and chooses to assume her husband\'s last name, Alberta Vital Statistics does not deem this to be a legal change of name. When a couple marries in Alberta, Vital Statistics will not change the woman\'s birth record to reflect her newly assumed last name nor would a notification document be forwarded to another province/country (in which she was born) advising them of such. When a woman, who marries in Alberta only assumes her husband\'s last name, she may decide to return to the last name on her birth certificate at any time.

It is important to note that Alberta legislation may differ from other jurisdictions. For example, another province may consider an assumed name, through marriage, a legal change of name. The province may be required, under legislation, to change the woman\'s birth record (or notify the province in which she was born), to reflect her newly assumed name. It is advisable to contact the province in which you were married to determine their legislation requirements.

Alberta Marriage - Changing Identification

Once married, the woman may start changing her identification. For example, the bride takes the Marriage Statement (presented to the couple at the ceremony) or an official government Marriage Certificate and goes to a registry agent to have her driver\'s licence and vehicle registration records changed to show the new name. Once she has the driver\'s licence in the new name, she would take the newly issued driver\'s licence and the marriage certificate/statement and go to the next place where she wants her name changed and so on.

All identification should be eventually made to have the same name. Some organizations will not accept the Marriage Statement as official proof of marriage and will require an official government Marriage Certificate. Official government documents may be ordered from a registry agent.

A husband may assume the last name of the bride if he so desires. As it is not traditionally recognized for the groom to assume the bride\'s last name, he may have problems with some organizations that will not recognize this change. An option available to the groom is to have a legal change of name processed. This service is available through a registry agent. Note that a legal change of name will change the groom\'s name on his birth certificate.
Peer comment(s):

agree Ravindra Godbole
30 mins
Thank you Ravindra! :-)
agree Richard DiPrima (X) : either this variant or "assumed" if you want to keep the passive construction: "...the surnames were assumed"
43 mins
Thank you for good suggestions! :-)
neutral Robert Donahue (X) : assumed is a better fit than acquired
10 hrs
?? Please see above. I have already proposed "assumed".
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Ссылку сию она (прерводчица) признала самой весомой и сама выбрала этот ответ."
6 mins
Russian term (edited): ����� ���������� ����� �������� �������:


Я лично так перевожу, и мой клиент доволен:

After the issuance of this license the surnames were given as:
.... to the GROOM, and
.... to the BRIDE.
Something went wrong...
26 mins
Russian term (edited): ����� ���������� ����� �������� �������:

last name accepted

Марк, туточки вообще прямой перевод не годится, за бугром ничего не присваивают, дело сугубо добровольное:-). Я давно похоронила свою американскую marriage license, но четко помню строку со словом accepted.

То ли

last name accepted by wife (husband)

то ли

last name accepted after marriage

husband - тютькин
wife - тютькина

Что-то в этом роде

Нужно подождать, пока женатые/замужние глянут в свои импортные marriage licenses. Или кто-то же из наших людей переводил их в обратную сторону. А то еще подумают капиталисты, что в СССР/России фамилии как партвзносы навязывали.

Note added at 28 mins (2005-03-17 04:25:07 GMT)

Упс, может и правда это было adopted... дело давнее:-) В общем, семейные, зарегистрированные за рубежом, отзовитесь!
Something went wrong...
5 hrs
Russian term (edited): ����� ���������� ����� �������� �������:

After the registration of the marriage, the following names were registered:

The confusion is probably that присвоить usually means "confer". If the parties willingly chose their names, then "adopted" would be the normal word. If they were imposed by the court, "conferred" would be correct.
I suspect here that the Russian court registered the names chosen by the parties, a process that I do not think exists in the UK or US, so despite the awkward registration/registered, this is what I would use to be absolutely accurate.
Peer comment(s):

agree Yuri Geifman : or simply say "Last names after marriage"... it may not satisfy the true "bukvoyeds", but should work well enough over here
2 hrs
Something went wrong...
16 hrs

Upon marriage, the last names conferred to them are:


Так я перевожу, и нареканий не имел.
Something went wrong...
3 days 6 hrs
Russian term (edited): ����� ���������� ����� �������� �������:

After marriage the following last names were assigned:

Так переводят в Штатах - сам видел)))
А можно и так:
The names of the parties after the marriage shall be:
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