Feb 7, 2013 01:28
11 yrs ago
32 viewers *
Spanish term


Spanish to English Law/Patents Law (general)
Some papers concerining a divorce.

I don't think the word "efectiveness" would fit here, or maybe I am not getting the sense right?

"Efectividad de que los conyuges se encuentran separados con al menos un año de anterioridad a la fecha de interposicion de la accion.

"Efectividad de no haber reanudado la convivencia desde su separacion de hecho con ánimo de permanencia"


dcanossa Feb 8, 2013:
Para que no quede redundante Entonces, en ese caso, no puedes poner "Proof of...", por ejemplo, que era una opción que me gustaba, porque lo que debes probar no es una prueba, sino el hecho. Creo que entonces podríamos eliminar "Certainty" y cambiar "in fact" por "indeed", para no repetir la palabra "fact". Palabras más, palabras menos, quedaría algo así: "Fifth: That the facts to be proved in the trial are: That the spouses are indeed separated...; That the spouses have (indeed) not resumed cohabitation..." Es importante recalcar que la gramática y la terminología usadas en textos legales muchas veces no suenan naturales.
tangotrans (asker) Feb 8, 2013:
Encabezamiento El encabezamiento dice:
Quinto: Que los hechos a probar en el juicio son:
dcanossa Feb 8, 2013:
Encabezamiento del listado Para poder usar una gramática y terminología apropiada en el listado, es necesario saber qué dice el encabezamiento del mismo, y si finaliza con dos puntos. Es indispensable saber esto, porque de ser así, la parte inicial de las oraciones sería el encabezamiento del listado, es decir, entre el encabezamiento y cada ítem se forma una oración, por lo que debe haber cohesión entre ellos.
tangotrans (asker) Feb 7, 2013:
It is the final hearing of a divorce. The actual document that states that the couple has divorced.
AllegroTrans Feb 7, 2013:
thanks it would help to kniw what is the document - a form? a leaflet? This is needed context
tangotrans (asker) Feb 7, 2013:
This is the final hearing It is a list of things that the applicants need to proof.
AllegroTrans Feb 7, 2013:
Context please Are these preambles in the Court order? Or in the pleadings?

Proposed translations

4 hrs

Proof of (at least one year separation)

Why force a literal translation of something badly written in Spanish. (?)We know what it means, let's just put it in proper English.
It's likely this is talking about grounds for divorce, so "proof" is the word here.

www.ezdivorce.ca/separation.htmShare6 days ago – Divorce and Separation in Canada - living separate and apart for one year. ... three grounds for divorce in Canada: (1) separation for a year; (2) adultery; ... Proof of Separation- I an uncontested or joint divorce, the only 'proof' ...

divorce-canada.ca/marriage-separation-in-canadaShareJan 25, 2013 – Second, there is no time limit to being separated, and a divorce will ... If during this one year separation period you and your spouse get ... From the courts perspective living at separate address is the easiest way to prove this.

Peer comment(s):

agree José Manuel Lozano
10 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks"
33 mins

Certainty that... in fact

Parece ser un listado, o algo. Sería apropiado saber cómo comienza este listado. Pero yo sugiero que se modifique la estructura de la oración. En este caso, "efectividad" significa la realidad, es decir, algo que en efecto, o de hecho, está sucediendo. Por otro lado, por cómo parece estar usada la palabra, da la sensación de referirse a que existe la certidumbre de que tal cosa efectivamente es real. Por lo que propongo algo como "Certainty that the spouses are in fact separated..."

Espero que te sirva como orientación!
Peer comment(s):

agree Richard Hill
1 min
Gracias, rich!
neutral Carl Stoll : The meaning of your answer is correct, but the style is not. In EN you cannot start a sentence with "Certainty that .." It is ungrammatical and moreover the expression sounds odd, as if it had been translated from some other language.
41 mins
I agree, and "Efectividad de que..." in Spanish also sounds odd. This is why I said more context would be helpful, because it seems like these are a series of "items" in a list after a colon, and knowing what's before this list would help with grammar
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1 hr
Spanish term (edited): Efectividad de que

It has been verified that

what can I say?
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3 hrs


Creo que en este caso el término "efectividad" es simplemente una constancia de que tal o cual cosa ha sucedido con antelación a ciertos plazos legales. Como tal, lo que se requiere es evidencia que confirme el hecho. Suerte!
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22 hrs


Now that it's clear that thes sentences are the preamble to a Court order, and given that in EN we would never start a sentence with "Confirmation" or "Proof of" etc. the correct legal style is to start each paragraph with "Whereas"

Plenty of examples if you google:

Groklaw - The Protective Order
Whereas, the parties in the above-captioned action (the "Action ... in writing or on the record, or if the Court, after notice to all affected parties, orders such ...
www.groklaw.net/articlebasic.php?story=20031207194207699 - Cached
Adobe PDF
approval of the parties and the court, making decisions within the scope of the court order of appointment; and WHEREAS, the use of parenting coordinators promotes ...
Adobe PDF
produced in un-redacted form under the terms of this Protective Order; WHEREAS, the Court finds it in the interests of justice, the parties and any third-
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Reference comments

54 mins

verifiable (documentary) evidence / verifiable confirmation

"***Verifiable (documentary) evidence / verifiable confirmation (verifiability)*** that the spouses have been separated for at least one year prior to the date of filing for their divorce.

"***Verifiable (documentary) evidence / verifiable confirmation (verifiability)*** that they have not resumed living together (cohabitation) with the intention of permanently reconciling since they in fact separated."


VAF1A-1K guidance notes - UK Border Agency - Home Office
PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View
Any other names by which you are or have been known, for ... Separated - You and your partner/spouse no .... ***verifiable documentary evidence*** to support your ...

Instructions for Form I-360 - uscis
PDF/Adobe Acrobat
You were not legally separated from your citizen spouse at the time of death; and ... Has been declared dependent upon a juvenile court in the. United States, or who .... status;. 3. ***Verifiable evidence*** of how the prospective employer intends to ...

When the spouse of an applicant for a marriage license has disappeared or is ... part and the parties to the marriage live together thereafter as husband and wife, ...... (2) the adoptee is under 18 years of age and has no parent living whose ...... ***Where there has been no confirmation by cohabitation*** following the removal of ...

When the spouse of an applicant for a marriage license has disappeared or is ... and the parties to the marriage live together thereafter as husband and wife, ...... ( 2) the adoptee is under 18 years of age and has no parent living whose ...... of ***the existence of facts readily verifiable*** from the domestic relations section's records.
Peer comments on this reference comment:

agree Beatriz Lessa : Yes, evidence seems to be the right term.
1 hr
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