Oct 4, 2007 14:29
17 yrs ago
1 viewer *
Spanish term
casa de reposo
Spanish to English
Medical (general)
Insurance policy
Enfermedades, trastornos y deficiencias mentales y/o nerviosas y/o emocionales, surmenaje, casa de reposo y/o tratamientos psiquiátricos.
Proposed translations
Proposed translations
2 mins
nursing home, convalescent home
Mike :)
Note added at 3 mins (2007-10-04 14:32:12 GMT)
Oxford Dictionary
casa de reposo or salud (CS) nursing home, convalescent home
Note added at 45 mins (2007-10-04 15:15:00 GMT)
One entry found for nursing home.
Main Entry: nursing home
Function: noun
: a privately operated establishment where maintenance and personal or nursing care are provided for persons (as the aged or the chronically ill) who are unable to care for themselves properly -- compare REST HOME
Note added at 47 mins (2007-10-04 15:16:21 GMT)
nursing home
A convalescent home or private facility for the care of individuals who do not require hospitalization and who cannot be cared for at home.
(05 Mar 2000)
Note added at 49 mins (2007-10-04 15:18:13 GMT)
Other Article
Use of Nursing Homes in the Care of Persons With Severe Mental Illness: 1985 to 1995
David Mechanic, Ph.D. and Donna D. McAlpine, M.A.
Note added at 49 mins (2007-10-04 15:18:57 GMT)
Use of Nursing Homes in the Care of Persons With Severe Mental ...
RESULTS: The number of nursing home residents diagnosed with .... Because of the broader definition of mental disorder, we anticipated higher estimates of ...
www.psychservices.psychiatryonline.org/cgi/content/full/51/... - Similar pages - Note this
Note added at 3 mins (2007-10-04 14:32:12 GMT)
Oxford Dictionary
casa de reposo or salud (CS) nursing home, convalescent home
Note added at 45 mins (2007-10-04 15:15:00 GMT)
One entry found for nursing home.
Main Entry: nursing home
Function: noun
: a privately operated establishment where maintenance and personal or nursing care are provided for persons (as the aged or the chronically ill) who are unable to care for themselves properly -- compare REST HOME
Note added at 47 mins (2007-10-04 15:16:21 GMT)
nursing home
A convalescent home or private facility for the care of individuals who do not require hospitalization and who cannot be cared for at home.
(05 Mar 2000)
Note added at 49 mins (2007-10-04 15:18:13 GMT)
Other Article
Use of Nursing Homes in the Care of Persons With Severe Mental Illness: 1985 to 1995
David Mechanic, Ph.D. and Donna D. McAlpine, M.A.
Note added at 49 mins (2007-10-04 15:18:57 GMT)
Use of Nursing Homes in the Care of Persons With Severe Mental ...
RESULTS: The number of nursing home residents diagnosed with .... Because of the broader definition of mental disorder, we anticipated higher estimates of ...
www.psychservices.psychiatryonline.org/cgi/content/full/51/... - Similar pages - Note this
Peer comment(s):
agree |
liz askew
: For info: Interestingly, in the UK at least, an elderly person can be in a "Care Home" with a mental disorder e.g. senile dementia. But we do not call it a home for the mentally ill as Care Homes/Nursing Homes can receive all sorts, depending...
4 mins
Thank you, liz - Mike :)
agree |
Jorge Arteaga M.D.
10 mins
Thank you, Jorge - Mike :)
agree |
Robert Copeland
15 mins
Thank you, Robert - Mike :)
disagree |
Roberto Rey
: Mike, sorry to disagree, but the asker specifically mentions "mental" disorders
21 mins
Roberto, that's quite all right. I am going through a number of definitions of "nursing home" online, and I am going to post one above. True, nursing homes do take care of chroniclly ill - so, some may be equipped to care for mentally ill also - Mike :)
agree |
Gabriela Rodriguez
: :)
1 hr
Thank you, Gaby - Mike :)
agree |
Nora Bellettieri
2 hrs
Thank you, Nora - Mike :)
neutral |
Diana Casey
: Mike I agree with Roberto, "casa de reposo" in Colombia is for people of all different ages does not have to be elderly only that have a mental illness, similar to psychiatric institutions or hospitals, how would it be in English? **THANKS MIKE ***
4 hrs
Diana Sofía, a "nursing home" is not only for the eldely in the U.S. Quite often, when someone is young, usually an adult, at least 18 years old, if they suffer from certain conditions, including mental disabilities, they are in a nursing home. - Mike :)
agree |
Dr. Jason Faulkner
: "Convalescent home" if they don't require specialized medical care, otherwise "nursing home." SaludoZ!
2 days 14 hrs
Thank you, Jason - Mike :)
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "Selected automatically based on peer agreement."
3 mins
mental institution
Rest home es literal...
Peer comment(s):
disagree |
liz askew
: Sorry, but this is a no-no nowadays, in the UK at least. If this is what is meant, you would need to put "mental health"...//Just goes to show, we can be worlds apart in the same language! Good luck!
3 mins
NO idea about the UK, I was thinking US..did not know that...
4 mins
nursing home / convalescent home
Peer comment(s):
agree |
Gabriela Rodriguez
: :)
1 hr
Thank you Gaby! :)
agree |
: I'd use rest home.
21 hrs
Thank you, Jean! :)
13 mins
old age home
En el mundo hispano hablante, una casa de reposos es donde los ancianos o desvalidos se internan, casi siempre voluntariamente, para pasar el resto de sus vidas en un ambiente donde son cuidados y donde tienen atención todo el tiempo.
No es una institución mental.
No es una institución mental.
Peer comment(s):
disagree |
Roberto Rey
: El el TODO mundo hispano parlante NO, en Colombia una casa de reposo es en donde se internan a los casos de enf. mentales, para las personas mayores es "ancianatos"
8 mins
neutral |
liz askew
: I understand what you mean. This would be "Care Home for the Elderly"....muy buenas tardes!
1 hr
2 days 14 hrs
residential care facility
Just throwing in my $0.02. I like Mike's answer, but nursing/convalescent does imply care for the elderly in particular.
A nice generic term used a lot in the U.S. is "residential care facility." This includes all types of medical/psychiatric care facilities where patients live full time and only require a basic level of medical care. That inclues psychiatric facilites as well as convalescent homes. The medical staff is usually comprised of nursing assistants or technicians, with a registered nurse in charge of medications. Physicians and psychologists generally are only available on an on-call basis or for scheduled visits and group activities.
A nice generic term used a lot in the U.S. is "residential care facility." This includes all types of medical/psychiatric care facilities where patients live full time and only require a basic level of medical care. That inclues psychiatric facilites as well as convalescent homes. The medical staff is usually comprised of nursing assistants or technicians, with a registered nurse in charge of medications. Physicians and psychologists generally are only available on an on-call basis or for scheduled visits and group activities.
On Spanish (Spain) pages I have found references to "casas de reposo" which seem to be a sort of health farm/spa and from what I gather and these clinics offer treatments for a range of conditions, such as chronic bronchitis, arthritis, and nervous disorders.
Deseas regalarte unos días de vacaciones para cuidar tu salud de manera integral: Lugares para renovar tu energía vital. Mediante una alimentación sana y combinada adecuadamente, ejercicio físico apropiado, sol, aire puro, sana relación con la gente, diferentes técnicas de desarrollo personal, paseos, masajes,... volverás a recuperar la Energía Vital que es la que, en definitiva, proporciona la autocuración del propio cuerpo, la verdadera SALUD. También podrás practicar ayunos depurativos.
However, this may be different in Latin America so I appreciate your feedback.
I've found a document from Peru on the Internet and it would appear that, in this particular case, "Casa de reposo" is a home for the elderly:
En resumen la seguridad, cariño y calor de hogar que existe allí, hacen de la Casa de Reposo de la Beneficencia Peruano Alemana un lugar de estadía agradable, que ofrece para las personas de la tercera edad la atención deseada
www.alpinelodge-rch.co.uk/alpinelodge.html - 7k - Cached - Similar pages