Glossary entry

Spanish term or phrase:

Certificado de Estudios

English translation:

Certificate of studies / diploma

Added to glossary by Katherine Matles
Feb 23, 2002 17:32
22 yrs ago
375 viewers *
Spanish term

Certificado de Estudios

Non-PRO Spanish to English Other
(Se refiere al Colegio Secundario)

Proposed translations

14 mins

Certificate of studies / diploma

Certificate of Studies es la traducción literal y es lo que demuestra que tienes estudios de algun tipo. ej. "Certificate of Studies in Art"

Pero si se refiere a lo que te dan cuando has acabado los estudios secunadarios. En USA se utiliza
"High-school diploma" or simplamente "diploma"

Ver ejemplo:
Students with Foreign Studies
... degree (High School, Baccalaureate, etc ... the Faculties, High Engineering Schools ... Degree
or Diploma for which ... is asked. - Certificate of Studies that ... - 17k - Cached - Similar pa
Peer comment(s):

agree José Luis Villanueva-Senchuk (X) : Bien dicho y explicado... :-))
6 mins
Gracias José Luis! :-)
agree Rick Henry : In the US it's (High School) Diploma.
1 hr
Thanks Rick! :-)
agree Bill Greendyk : As a former school principal in South America, I would strongly agree that "Certificado de Estudios" are not grades, but rather a Certificate of Studies, which is called a diploma in the US, but in many countries is the document used to OBTAIN the diploma
1 hr
Thank you William :-)
agree xiquet
2 hrs
agree marsol
1 day 20 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Graded automatically based on peer agreement. KudoZ."
6 mins


Just alone or ... of Studies.

Junior High School (H.S., College, University) Transcript as appropriate.

Transcript alone is understood to be "of studies". It is the word for it.

Note added at 2002-02-23 17:39:56 (GMT)

In the USA of course.


Peer comment(s):

agree José Luis Villanueva-Senchuk (X) : If she means the grades and adm.information. If not, what do you think of 'certificate'? - if she talks about 'small' intra-school diplomas obtained during secondary education
2 mins
Puede ser... pero a lo mejor no; sería como buscarle mangas al chaleco...
agree Alisu S-G : school transcript is the usual name for it in the US
7 mins
Yes, and you can add the type of school before it as above to be specific.
agree Luis Rey Ballesteros (Luiroi)
1 hr
agree Andrea Kaplan
6 hrs
Something went wrong...
8 mins

Studies certificate

no need.
Peer comment(s):

agree José Luis Villanueva-Senchuk (X)
1 min
Thank you, José Luis.
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13 mins

certificate from a secondary school

This is what EurodicAutom suggests:

Subject - Education - Training(=ED)

TERM certificado de estudios primarios

Reference Catalina Romero Romero,Centro de Estudios Históricos,CSIC
TERM certificado de escolaridad

Reference Catalina Romero Romero,Centro de Estudios Históricos,CSIC

TERM certificate from a primary school

Reference VOCED

Note {NTE} DF: FG


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17 mins

School Certificate

si quiere also muy simple
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17 mins

High School Certificate

Estoy traduciendo muchos CVs a inglés (porque hay muchos argentinos que se están yendo de mi país, que triste...)
Tengo entendido que el "transcript" no es el Certificado de Estudios sino el "Analítico"

Peer comment(s):

agree Rafa Lombardino
5 hrs
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20 mins

Qualifications certificate

Que yo sepa, asi es como se llaman en el Reino Unido.
Peer comment(s):

agree Rafa Lombardino
5 hrs
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