Jun 21, 2005 19:57
19 yrs ago
English term

'online trip planning' and 'rider help line'

English to Spanish Other Advertising / Public Relations marketing
This is the information I 've been given to do the translation or transcreation:
1- The online trip planning will have a photo of a computer and the web address.
2- The rider help line will have a photo of a phone and the phone number. We don't want the phone number to sound like it is for complaints or if you are in trouble and need help. We want it to be number you can call to help you plan your trip. So really rider help line is not accurate either. Maybe something that describes who you can call to help you plan your trip over the phone.
The sentences should be as short as possible, as well as catchy, maily because they are to be written on billboards.
Both phrases refer to phone numbers and ways of helping people to move from one place to another by using routes.
My client wants me to be "free" when translating and not sticking to the English version. I need a Spanish version of both sentences. If you can help me, I would be extremely grateful! I have some ideas, but I do not know if I am in the correct path.
M. Clara.

Proposed translations

40 mins

Planificación de viajes en línea // Línea de Ayuda al Viajero

Son las dos opciones que primero se me ocurren

Note added at 40 mins (2005-06-21 20:38:19 GMT)

5Red - 5Dias.com. Internet ayuda al viajero de última hora
Internet ayuda al viajero de última hora ... \'En los últimos 24 meses, el sector
de viajes en línea se ha consolidado\', piensa Gregorio Santos, ...
www.cincodias.com/especiales/ suplementos/5red/20020629/11internet.htm - 40k - En caché - Páginas similares

Turismo Transporte
United Airlines - Empresa que brinda servicios de vuelos. Dispone de reservas en
línea, paquetes promocionales y ayuda al viajero. ...
www.grippo.com.ar/argentina/ espanol/turismo/transporte.htm - 18k - En caché - Páginas similares

Note added at 41 mins (2005-06-21 20:38:45 GMT)

Turismo en Chile - Información turistica - Vacaciones
El Ingenio - Ofrece información para la planificación de viaje, estadía y
alojamiento en destinos ... Terra Nova Turismo - Viajes por Chile y Latinoamérica. ...
www.aki-turismo.com.ar/Ch_turismo.htm - 28k - En caché - Páginas similares

Despegar.com - StarMedia
“La integración del variado contenido de planificación de viajes y servicios de
reservaciones ... increíbles galerías de fotos y foros de viajes en línea. ...
www.hispanicprwire.com/spa/ release_Despegar_StarMedia_SP.htm - 39k - En caché - Páginas similares

REGLAMENTOS - Rafting, deporte aventura más popular
b) Haber realizado curso de perfeccionamiento en planificación de viajes, ...
Entre el tramo de la línea roja y la blanca, se entenderá un grado IV, ...
raftingchile.relacionarse.com/ - 68k - 19 Jun 2005 - En caché - Páginas similares

Peer comment(s):

agree Víctor Nine
3 mins
Gracias VRN
neutral Refugio : sounds a little stiff and formal for a billboard
14 mins
Gracias Ruth... Saludos!
agree Claudia Martel
276 days
agree Walter Landesman
277 days
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Selected automatically based on peer agreement."
22 mins

planeamiento de viaje en lìnea/ lìnea de atenciòn al viajero

puede ser una idea
o "planee su viaje en internet"
Peer comment(s):

agree Refugio : planee su viaje en linea (those who have access to the internet will know what that means; those who don't are not the target audience)
31 mins
Thanks a lot Ruth, and greetings
agree Walter Landesman
277 days
Something went wrong...
27 mins

"planifique su viaje/recorrido" - "ayuda telefónica" or "llame a nuestros asesores"

If it's related to flights, "viaje" would be better. If relating to directions in a city, "recorrido" seems more appropriate.
The imperatve sounds more catchy than noun phrases. Another option for the second phrase, though it is not short: "para consultas, llame a nuestros asesores".
Just some ideas. I hope they are useful.
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1 hr

Prepare el viaje...

Prepare su viaje en linea
Prepare su viaje por telefono (con nuestra ayuda), o
Preparemos su viaje en linea
Preparemos su viaje por telefono
This is as short, free and catchy as I could get.
Good luck
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