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ФорумТемаЗаголовокТекстАвтор темыВремя technical support Cannot delete and/or upload my CV (Staff: fixed) CV has been sent to you Alejandro, thank you very much for you wish to
help me! I will wait for the solution. Once
again, thank you!
Vadim Kadyrov Aug 11, 2011 technical support Cannot delete and/or upload my CV (Staff: fixed) Yes, I did They say it is quite strange, and unfortunately
they can do the things I can`t. I thought
there was some kind of a straight and instant way
Vadim Kadyrov Aug 11, 2011 technical support Cannot delete and/or upload my CV (Staff: fixed) Hi to all, When I click the delete button to
remove my CV, nothing happens - the page just
jumps up to its top. Moreover, when I select
the language for my CV, the 'browse' button
Vadim Kadyrov Aug 11, 2011
Translation Theory and Practice Should I be consistent or correct? take a brief look at the available translation And you will almost instantly see the quality of
the file you found in the Internet. If it is poor,
you can simply close the file and press shift+del
simultaneousl having selected the file
Vadim Kadyrov Jul 30, 2011
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you think that Skype is a must for your business communications? Since the most of my clients are in other countries, I use Skype to communicate with them. Moreover, I
was quite surprised that only 15% consider that
Skype is a must for a translator today. I thought
that figure would be 65% at least.
Vadim Kadyrov Jul 15, 2011 translation industry wiki Converting a PDF document to .DOC format solid pdf converter is the best one I have ever met (still, in case
you pdf is not a collection of images). Try
Vadim Kadyrov Jul 2, 2011 Translator Coop Project History (plus feedback!) features updated. Members are invited to use it! The same opinion [quote]Joel Pina Diaz wrote: Hi everyone, I
decided to ask my customer to input on my Project
history once job was delivered and possible
feedback available. Most of them immediately
Vadim Kadyrov Jun 29, 2011
Localization SEO compliant translations I believe that SEO-compliant translation is to use key words
for the given topic when translating the source
text. It means that when you are translating
certain words into English, you will have to
Vadim Kadyrov Jun 23, 2011
CAT Tools Technical Help Client specifies Trados - is Wordfast ok? It may be that clients send trados translation memory And you won`t be able to use it with Wordfast
(still, I am not familiar with Wordfast at all,
and I am not sure you won`t). Getting started
with Trados is quite simple, if you have alr
Vadim Kadyrov Jun 16, 2011
Russian Направьте на путь истинный пожалуйста. мой хороший знакомый [quote]Roman Karabaev wrote: [quote]Igor
Galiouk wrote: Написав "вторым
Перельманом", я полагал, что
здесь поймут, что я имел
Vadim Kadyrov Jun 8, 2011
Trados support Trados 2007 WorkBench - formatting differences The same problem I believe that this is because the segment that is
the same is formatted a little bit differently in
comparison to the original segment. it may be that
an odd space is there, etc., i.e. mi
Vadim Kadyrov Jun 3, 2011
Office applications Word count in ppt FineCount is a freeware program that counts everything,
including .ppt files. Google the program and use
Vadim Kadyrov May 31, 2011
Trados support WorkBench: Table cells too small to see an opened segment This is the best way I usually use [quote]William [Bill] Gray wrote: From the
Table Properties go to Row, then Specify height.
Set height to any reasonable figure (I usually use
about 0.2cm,, then ALSO SELECT where it s
Vadim Kadyrov May 29, 2011 suggestions Answered/awarded answers ratio This is a decent way to additionally sort out
experienced translators from the rest. It is quite
natural to believe that a person who answered
2,000 questions and earned, say, 4,000 points
Vadim Kadyrov May 27, 2011
Windows operating systems 32 or 64 bit Windows 7? Compatibility of Trados 2007 and Windows 7 64 bit Trados 2007 works fine, Word 2007 works fine as
Vadim Kadyrov May 16, 2011
Money matters Does anyone accept credit card payments? I am not sure if the system is like yours But in Ukraine every credit card holder has the
unique bank account number assigned to this credit
card. I.e. you just tell your clients the number
of the account, and they transfer funds
Vadim Kadyrov May 12, 2011
Trados support Help needed!! Work with TagEditor, Clean-up not possible because "Error while writing paragraphs" possible solution This article (
=&cid=&t=&r=0.882618606090546 ) was very helpful.
I had the same error. Having made the changes
described, I manager t
Vadim Kadyrov Apr 21, 2011
Being independent Freelance visa for teachers Why don`t you visit the page of German embassy in New Zealand?
Vadim Kadyrov Apr 14, 2011
Money matters International payment to Russian-based translators Several options 1) SWIFT transfer (the fee for a transfer from the
US is about 5-8 USD for 200 USD). 2)
Moneybookers (still, it seems to me that for the
US it is not an option) 3) Western Union,
Vadim Kadyrov Apr 14, 2011
Russian Не очищается от Традоса файл Exсel необходим оригинальный файл который вы переводили.
Который вы получили от
заказчика. Может в почте у
вас остался? Скопируйте его
Vadim Kadyrov Apr 7, 2011
Russian Не очищается от Традоса файл Exсel проверьте следующее Я так понимаю, переводили
вы в tag Editor? 1) оригинал
должен находится вт ой же
папке что и файл .ttx 2) Если<
Vadim Kadyrov Apr 7, 2011
Hardware Best Laptop keyboard - any recommandations ? USB keyboard is an option When I was buying my laptop, I also bought a
stand-alone USB keyboard - and you can choose the
one that suits you! It means that it is of
almost no importance to me now what keyboard t
Vadim Kadyrov Apr 4, 2011
Linguistics Which language is the most beautiful language for you? Ukrainian is the language you would consider quite soft and
melodic. It has the grammar almost identical to
Russian, with its phonetics much more pleasant.
Just find in Wikipedia an audio of someone
Vadim Kadyrov Apr 3, 2011
Russian Экспертная оценка качества перевода Ситуация схожа с той, что сложилась с рассмотрением дел в судах
в странах на постсоветском
пространстве. Почему в
странах СНГ так мало
Vadim Kadyrov Mar 26, 2011
Russian Экспертная оценка качества перевода Задача редактора/корректора иногда - - найти ошибки любой ценой.
Согласитесь, таких
переводов, в которые вы не
внесли хотя бы одно
Vadim Kadyrov Mar 26, 2011
Trados support Word 2007 shows hidden characters it was quite simple the problem was that the interface differed a bit
from what I used to have in Word 2003. Thank
Vadim Kadyrov Mar 23, 2011
Trados support Word 2007 shows hidden characters And I do not know where the switch-off button is.
the button that switches on/off ALL hidden symbols
is not the button I need. In my document I see
only Trados tags (these characters). In
Vadim Kadyrov Mar 23, 2011
Trados support How to make Trados open only certain segments in a table Thank you once again for the tip BTW, I used to come across a lot of posts here of
people who strongly recommend that translators
switch over to TagEditor when translating .doc and
.rtf files. It is OK to use TagEditor
Vadim Kadyrov Mar 17, 2011
Trados support How to make Trados open only certain segments in a table Any way to do that in Word (instead of TagEditor)? I thought that there was some kind of a flag I
needed to check to make Trados go down. But
thank you for your tip!
Vadim Kadyrov Mar 17, 2011
Trados support How to make Trados open only certain segments in a table I have a simple table in Word 2007. I need only
second column to be translated. As you may know,
Trados will jump to the next column (travelling
"horizontally" through the table). Instead
Vadim Kadyrov Mar 16, 2011
Trados support TRADOS 6.5 compatibility with TRADOS 2007 Trados 6.5 and Trados 2007 I have just installed Trados 2007. For almost 4
years I used to work with Trados 6.5. My TMs of
Trados 6.5 have opened today perfectly in Trados
2007. Only the next product of SDL (Tra
Vadim Kadyrov Mar 16, 2011
Trados support Term recognition error Dear Huw, It seems that I do find RegAsm.exe file in the
.NET folder. But gacutil.exe is not thee. Where
should I go to see that file (so that I can
transfer it into the folder)? Thank you!
Vadim Kadyrov Mar 13, 2011
Trados support MultiTerm Error: (-2147467261): (null) Dear xiaoshuchong Have you managed to solve the problem you had with
Multiterm? If yes, please send me solution. Thank
Vadim Kadyrov Mar 13, 2011
Money matters We need to stop this... (low budget information on a posted job) so what? Please visit my page and realize that there are
people ready and eager to work for 0.03 USD per
word. There are decent, professional and
reliable translators ready to work for such
Vadim Kadyrov Mar 2, 2011
Translation in Ukraine / Переклад в Україні Чи потрібна валютна декларація? назначение платежа - какое оно, когда деньги шлет Moneybooke [quote]Sergei Leshchinsky wrote: [quote]Roman
Bulkiewicz wrote: отримувати
валютні кошти від
діяльності на ра
Vadim Kadyrov Jan 25, 2011
Translation in Ukraine / Переклад в Україні Как вы решаете проблему с Paypal? на самом деле можно попросить друга в
другой стране принимать
такие платежи. Он
принимает, обналичивает и
Vadim Kadyrov Dec 27, 2010
Poll Discussion Poll: Where do you speak your source language(s)? Another interesting poll Where do you speak the official language of your
country? I am not a paid member of proz, that
is why I cannot post any poll. But the poll is
very interesting, for in my country pe
Vadim Kadyrov Dec 16, 2010
Business issues How much risk do you take? How to minimize risk with new clients with no previous record? Some reccomendations In case such a company does not have any blue
board records, and it is form
Russia/Ukraine/India/China, I would strongly
advise you not to start working for them without
at least 40-50
Vadim Kadyrov Dec 5, 2010
Translator resources Translating a website: Tool for downloading hundreds of files and counting words I have a piece of advice 1. To download a site, you need Teleport Pro. It
allows us to download the site. You just indicate
the URL, and the program does not go beyond the
limits you have indicated (it is very imp
Vadim Kadyrov Dec 5, 2010
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you think the translation profession is better regarded now than 30 years ago? the thing is that when one comes to a solicitor (or a doctor),
usually his/her life (wealth, assets, money) is at
stake, and the threat is obvious. And when someone
needs a translation, it is not of life-or
Vadim Kadyrov Nov 28, 2010
KudoZ I want to be notified of new KudoZ questions I found no way to get notified by an e-mail when a new kudoz
question appears. I just refresh the page as
frequently as I can. But surely there should
be some way to switch on such a notification
Vadim Kadyrov Nov 25, 2010
Money matters New job - Great! 4.000.000 words... Guys, it`s market Look at my prices - and I can tell you I can
deliver a very good translation for the rate I
indicated (0.03 USD per word). It is a matter
of economic situation in a country where a
Vadim Kadyrov Nov 25, 2010
Trados support Error in Tag-Editor: Unable to locate original file Sometimes it occurs It sometimes occurs when you delete files. Vadim Kadyrov Nov 13, 2010
Trados support Error in Tag-Editor: Unable to locate original file I deleted the original file I had to copy the text from the ttx file into a
txt file. After that I saved the txt file as an
html file (to see the text without tags). The html
file contained both ST and TT. Then I cop
Vadim Kadyrov Nov 13, 2010
Trados support Error in Tag-Editor: Unable to locate original file And what if I deleted the original file? Are there any possibility to clean the txt file? Vadim Kadyrov Nov 12, 2010
Literature / Poetry US$ 0.04 a word for editing a poem AND translating it?! You are right, still... Every price will find a person to match. You
either accept the price or do not accept it. That
is the market here. And I believe that they
will get their job done. For the price they
Vadim Kadyrov Nov 3, 2010
Translation in Ukraine / Переклад в Україні Moneybookers в Україні РќР° карту (любую) деньги РІ Украине СЃРѕ счета манибукерс РІС Вот ответ их суппорта:
Уважаемый господин Kadyrov,
Спасибо, что связались с
нами. Для активации
Vadim Kadyrov Nov 3, 2010
Translation in Ukraine / Переклад в Україні Moneybookers в Україні вывод денег с манибукерс-счета на карту банка Украины Поковырявшись с манибукерс
несколько недель, выяснил
следующее. На карту
(любую) деньги в Украине со
Vadim Kadyrov Nov 3, 2010
Translation in Ukraine / Переклад в Україні Moneybookers в Україні Мій досвід роботи з манібукерс Шановні друзі, вітаю вас.
Виникла така ситуація.
Для отримання грошей на мою
картку мене сповістили, �
Vadim Kadyrov Oct 19, 2010
Translation news Ukrainians rally against language law Ukrainian language is a language of minority I would like to comment on the news. The fact is
that Ukrainian is a language which is a mother
tongue to some 20% of the population. I am talking
about pure Ukrainian, not a mixture of Uk
Vadim Kadyrov Oct 7, 2010

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