Powwow Report for Japonia - Osaka (Sep 3 2005)

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Report from  Troy Fowler
Osaka's first PowWow went off in typical Kansai style: The food was great, conversation lively, and people interesting. Thanks to everyone for showing up!

In addition to those listed on ProZ.com, several people joined from word of mouth, or replying to an announcement made on Kansai Time Out (KTO).
- Tim Price (KTO)
- Yoshiko (KTO)
- Mayu Yuki (CEO of LocAngel in Kobe)
- Miho (Mayu's sister)
- Shin (Mayu's son)

With 10 people total, this PowWow was on the larger size based on records of past PowWows held in Japan.
After a little confusion meeting up at Umeda Station (sorry Higuchi-san!), and getting slightly lost on the way to the restaurant, we managed to make it all in one piece to the BALI-HAI beer hall.

Thanks to Mikito for suggesting the announcement on Kansai Time Out. Without it, Yoshiko and Tim would have missed us. And I'm sorry you mistook the Gaijin staff for a ProZ.com translator! �܁A���傤���Ȃ��ȁB

While some great food was served up by BALI-HAI, self introductions were shared around the table, and the conversation quickly moved onto translation issues: rates, self-promotion, finding new sources of work, etc.
I hope everyone was able to get the most out of the PowWow, and came away with either a new friend, professional contact, or insight into language services.

I look forward to everyone participating again in the future!
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ProZ.com users and members who attended
: organizer : photos : report : host
Troy Fowler
Katsunori Higuchi
Peishun CHIANG
Mikito Oki
yjo (X)

Postings from ProZians who attended this event

No postings yet made in this powwow.