The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

German to English Real Estate Translation Glossary

German term English translation
Bauvorhaben construction/development projects
Bauwidmung zoned for construction
Bauzinsen construction loan interest
bäuerliches Bodenrecht rights to agricultural land
Entered by: Astrid Elke Witte
bücherliche Belastungen registered encumbrances
Entered by: Samira Goth
Büroflächenumsatz office space turnover
Büroimmobilienbestand und Wohnimmobilien office and residential real estate
Entered by: Teresa Reinhardt
Bd/Blatt = Band/Blatt Band = volume/book; Blatt = page/folio
bebauter Hofraum built-up yard (area)
Bebauungsplan development plan
bedungen stipulated, specified
befestigt surfaced (in respect of land)
begünstigender Verwaltungsakt administrative action conferring preferential treatment
Begegnungsqualität quality of (social) interaction
Begehungsrecht right to access
Begründungsakt condominium declaration
Entered by: Paula Price
bei 50% Wertanteil assessed valuation/valuation percentage
bei Gefahr in Verzug if there is any imminent/immediate danger
Entered by: Paula Price
Beitritt / beitreten consent/accede to (the deposit arrangement)
Entered by: Alexandra Duckitt
belastetes Grundstück encumbered property (or real estate)
Belastung durch Nießbrauch charged with a life interest/charge arising out of a user right
Belastungsvollmacht encumbrance authorisation
beleihbar suitable for loan purposes
Entered by: Steffen Walter
Berechnungsstand (state of) computations
Berechnungsverordnung computation ordinance
Entered by: Beate Lutzebaeck
bereiteste Rangstelle most readily available [or: most convenient] position
Entered by: Steffen Walter
besatzungsrechtliche oder besatzungshoheitliche Grundlagen occupation law or sovereign acts
Entered by: Steffen Walter
Beschäftigtenzentralität employee (or employment) centrality
Beschlußbogen lease (proposal) form
beschränkte persönliche Dienstbarkeit limited personal easement
Best.Verz.Nr. / Bestandsverzeichnisnummer land register index/inventory number
Entered by: Steffen Walter
Bestandfreiheit (Au. real estate) with vacant possession; untenanted
Bestandsfläche existing office space
Bestandsfonds Inventory fund
Entered by: Arne Marko
Bestandsfreiheit *Immobilien* vacant status (of property)
Entered by: Steffen Walter
Bestandshaltung Holding (or retaining) the property as an investment
Bestandsimmobilien (long-term) portfolio properties
Bestandsmarkt existing real estate
Bestandsschutz protection of continuance
Bestandsverzeichnis real property register
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