The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Italian to English Law (general) Translation Glossary

Italian term English translation
trovandosi nelle condizioni di legge having the capacity in terms of law
truffa aggravata aggravated fraud
truffe per l’illecita percezione the fradulent receipt of contributions....
Entered by: Tom in London
Trust Fund Beni/Patrimonio del Trust
TT.LL.EE. Tobacco products manufactured abroad
Entered by: Alexandra Scott
TULPS Consolidated Text of Laws on Public Security
TULS Testo Unico delle Leggi Sanitarie Cosolidation Act of Health Laws
tutela degli interessi dei figli minori protecting the interests of underage children
Tutela delle persone e di altri soggetti Protection of persons and entities
tutela demolitoria remedy of overturning resolutions
Entered by: Dominic Currie
tutela generale di tipo reale general protection, safeguarding of real nature
Entered by: Vincenzo Di Maso
tutela monitoria summary payment order protection
tutela penale del reato criminal protection against the offence in question
tutela richiesta da XXX in via d'urgenza the protection claimed by the defendant as a matter of urgency
tutelare gli interessi del mio assistito nelle più opportune sedi take any necessary steps to safeguard my client's interests
tuto causale unitario single legal principle
Entered by: EirTranslations
tutto ciò premesso l'istante così come NOW, THEREFORE, the plaintiff, as above represented and defended
Entered by: Angela Arnone
tuziorismo Tutiorism
tuziorismo difensivo complete defence
Entered by: Emilia De Paola
tuzioristicamente prudently, cautiously
Entered by: Sandra Petrongolo
u.c. / ultima clausola final clause
Entered by: Emanuela Galdelli
u.c. / ultimo scorso last
Entered by: Emanuela Galdelli
U.P. preliminary examination / hearing / inquiry
udienza del ... hearing of/on
udienza di discussione hearing for the (oral) discussion
udienza di merito merit hearing
udienza di precisazione .. pre-trial conference
udienza di smistamento allocation hearing
udienza monocratica hearing before a single judge
Udienza per l'ammissione dei mezzi istruttori e per discussione Hearing for the admission of preliminary evidence and discussion
udienza presidenziale hearing presided over by the judge
uditore giudiziario Recorder (Eng. civ/crim.); Magistrate Judge (US)
Entered by: Maria Burnett
Ufficiale Sovte Capo Chief superintendent
Entered by: Alexandra Scott
Ufficio Centrale Stupefacenti Department for Drug Control and Quality
Ufficio Cursorile Bailiff's Office
Ufficio delle Ipoteche Land Charge Office
ufficio denunce report desk / Police Front Desk /
ufficio deposito atti (Court) Registry for (lodging of) pleadings
ufficio di controllo sugli atti office of review of (the legality of) legislative acts
ufficio di sicurezza aziendale security department
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