Jan 8, 2006 13:59
18 yrs ago
26 viewers *
English term


rhandler Jan 8, 2006:
Mais contexto ajudaria a proporcionar-lhe melhores respostas (e pelo mesmo pre�o). N�o economize ao dar contexto, ponha todo o par�grafo.
Luciana Vozza Jan 8, 2006:
Ol�. Existe algum outro contexto?

Proposed translations

13 mins

Baixa cultura e ferramentas insuficientes

:) Bom domingo!
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1 hr

de empréstimo

aqui nao estamos tratando do significado "direto" de lean, mas sim de um termo usado p.ex. na lingüística para descrever o empréstimo de termos (neste caso de cultura e de ferramentas/meios). Lean é igual ao Lehn no alemao, ou seja, "emprestar"
Vejam exemplos:
comumente entendemos, por meio da denúncia do atraso brasileiro, da
crítica às mazelas da primeira República, da crítica à cultura de empréstimo, ...
Por isto mesmo que as vicissitudes históricas o libertaram, na fase delicadíssima da sua formação, das exigências desproporcionadas de uma cultura de empréstimo
Peer comment(s):

disagree airmailrpl : "Lean is a way of thinking, a mindset dedicated to achieving a totally waste-free operation ...so discordo quando a sugestão estiver realmente fora ..as vezes dou uma sugestão e concordo com as sugestões dos outros também
31 mins
quanta "politeness"! Se vc faz outra proposta automaticamente discorda das outras... Eu tb poderia pôr um "diagree" em seu termo "cultura magra", mas pq eu faria isso se fiz outra proposta? Eu já vi o "lean" ser usado assim muitas vezes, veja exemplos
agree AnaCarla : é isso, tecnicamente falando está perfeito!
19 days
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31 mins

cultura magra e ferramentas enxutas..cultura e ferramentas enxutas.

Lean culture and lean tools =>

n carne magra. // adj 1 magro. 2 sem gordura. 3 pobre, deficiente. 4 improdutivo, escasso, insuficiente. // leanly adv pobremente.

Lean Thinking - We help you understand the culture change inherent in Lean Thinking, whether it be manufacturing or in any other part of your organization. We also assist you in creating plans for change that ensure your successful transition to Lean.

There's Simply Common Sense Behind Lean

Guest Editorial

David Hogg
High-Performance Manufacturing Consortium

Imagine the improvements we could make if everything were made so simple everyone could understand." That is a quote I read on the wall of a Sears supplier that, by thinking lean, reduced its time to manufacture household fans from 22 days to one. The message to "simplify" is currently getting attention from companies whose competitive leadership is being challenged.

Lean brings simplicity and common sense in manufacturing. It's an approach everyone can relate to, and a means to increase capacity rapidly through the enterprise through elimination of waste, which fits nicely with the subsequent need to drive out competitiveness-killing quality variation using Six Sigma tools.

There's nothing new about lean. According to the authors of Lean Thinking (Jim Womack, founder and president of the Lean Enterprise Institute in the United States, and Dan Jones, chairman and founder of the UK-based lean Enterprise Academy), the concepts contained in their book are more than 90 years old. But there is still a lot of confusion surrounding lean--and this isn't helped by the misinformation shared by hundreds of organizations selling their "lean solutions" to today's challenges.

My definition of lean means "the process of creating value for the customer and eliminating waste everywhere--a process which results in more successful customers, improved quality, reduced lead times, and reduced total costs."

"Lean is a way of thinking, a mindset dedicated to achieving a totally waste-free operation that's focused on customer success and value obtained by simplifying and continuously improving all processes and relationships in an environment of trust, respect, and full employee involvement. In short, lean is all about people, simplicity, flow, visibility, partnerships, integrity, and true value as perceived by the customer."

Note added at 1 hr 55 mins (2006-01-08 15:55:24 GMT)

“There was lots of automation for its own sake in the early ‘80s, and because of the way it was applied, people didn’t get the benefit that they should have,” he adds. The same is true today when manufacturers implement manufacturing execution systems (MES) before they have laid the lean groundwork.

Although he sells MES solutions, John Cavalenes of Citect Inc. heartily agrees. “A lot of companies want to implement MES, but if they don’t have a lean culture in place to implement it, how will they recoup this six-figure investment?” he asks. “Technology can be a great tool in helping companies eliminate non-value-added activities, but first there has to be a high value placed on labor.”
Peer comment(s):

agree Cristina Pereira
19 hrs
disagree AnaCarla : cultura magra? quero fazer este tipo de regime tb!
19 days
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3 hrs

cultura anti o desperdício/ ferramentas enxutas

Correspondência Enxuta Dúvidas com materiais ou serviços? ... Mas, é importante ressaltar que a "cultura do desperdício" não é exclusividade da área ...

Lang & Hugge (1995) também mostram a aplicação de princípios e ferramentas enxutas em uma indústria específica, neste caso, a indústria aeroespacial ...
www.scielo.br/ scielo.php?pid=S0104-530X2004000100002&script=sci_arttext&tlng=pt

Recebe treinamento e análise do fluxo ou processo de valor, princípios da manufatura enxuta e análise das ferramentas enxutas;; Estabelecem processos de ...
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1 day 5 hrs


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24 days


Cultura enxuta e ferramentas enxutas.
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427 days


Se o contexto é de tecnicas de administração, especificamente a metodologia "Lean Manufacturing" (manufatura enxuta), todos os termos associados onde aparece a palavra "lean" são traduzidos com "enxuto(a)": "cultura enxuta", "ferramentas enxutas", no sentido de que atendem aos preceitos da metodologia "Lean", qual sejam: eficiencia no uso de recursos, baixo desperdício, poucos erros, importancia para o processo
Example sentence:

Qualquer que seja o seu ramo de atividade, o método Lean-Manufacturing (Manufatura Enxuta) é o caminho comprovado para a melhoria da qualidade, a redução dos custos e dos prazos.

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