Jul 25, 2023 19:59
1 yr ago
49 viewers *
French term

déplacent d'un poil le curseur

French to English Art/Literary Art, Arts & Crafts, Painting Exhibition information
Here is the excerpt for context:

Et l’allusion successive à la figure allégorique du soin (le lave-linge longtemps associé à la féminité), comme à la charge mentale qui a longtemps incombée aux femmes, et de la force (la musculature masculine) a pour effet d’interroger les représentations des identités genrées. La série des vestales – c’est le titre des quatre toiles de plus petit format – poursuivent cette idée. Ironiquement données comme un éloge à Vesta, déesse antique de la maison et de la famille, elles déplacent d’un poil le curseur pour révéler de nouveaux objets déifiés.

Could anyone offer a potential translation or a paraphrase for the part in the title?

Thank you!


Animus (asker) Jul 26, 2023:
Thank you all for your explanations and suggestions, that does help to clarify things a bit. It seems I had the meaning right in my head, but couldn't quite find a good expression in English. And yes, they didn't send any photos of the work, but from other descriptions in the text, the work does heavily feature washing machines. The artist (Rose Barberat) isn't very well known but you can find a few examples of her other work online if you're interested.
Mpoma Jul 26, 2023:
I think Phil's solution ... sounds good.

I assume from the text that a washing machine(s) is/are in fact visible in them. So it seems that these may be the objects inviting a new "deification" as a consequence of this subtle shift

... sounds like a case of surrealist-derivative stuff. Googling led me to the name Paul Delvaux, a minor name to put it mildly, ... but he came up only because he painted **one** painting called "Les Vestales". And no washing machines in it as far as I could see...
Yassine El Bouknify Jul 26, 2023:
Apologies for any errors I may have made while writing in French. My English writing is much better since I specialize in providing English copywriting, not French copywriting. Therefore, please overlook any mistakes I shouldn't have made.
Yassine El Bouknify Jul 26, 2023:
Ainsi, lorsque l'auteur mentionne que les œuvres "déplacent d'un poil le curseur", cela signifie qu'elles apportent une légère modification, un léger changement ou un déplacement subtil de perspective par rapport à la représentation traditionnelle de Vesta et des idées stéréotypées liées au féminin et au masculin. Ces nouvelles représentations d'objets déifiés remettent en question les normes établies et invitent à une réflexion sur les identités genrées, mettant en lumière des aspects auparavant sous-estimés ou ignorés.

En somme, cette expression souligne le rôle de l'art dans la remise en question des normes et des représentations sociales, en mettant en lumière des subtilités et des nuances qui remettent en cause les conceptions traditionnelles des identités de genre.
Yassine El Bouknify Jul 25, 2023:
Le titre "vestales" fait référence aux vestales de la Rome antique, qui étaient des prêtresses consacrées à Vesta, la déesse du foyer et de la famille. Cependant, d'une manière ironique, ces nouvelles œuvres d'art sont présentées comme un éloge à Vesta tout en remettant en question les représentations traditionnelles associées à cette déesse.
Yassine El Bouknify Jul 25, 2023:
My explanation based on the provided context Dans le contexte donné, l'expression "déplacent d'un poil le curseur" signifie qu'elles modifient légèrement ou déplacent subtilement les limites ou les conceptions établies, en faisant référence aux représentations traditionnelles des identités de genre. Pour mieux comprendre cette expression, examinons le contexte dans lequel elle est utilisée :

L'auteur évoque une série d'œuvres d'art intitulée "vestales", qui est composée de quatre toiles de petit format. Ces œuvres sont liées à l'idée du soin, symbolisé par le lave-linge traditionnellement associé à la féminité, ainsi qu'à la charge mentale qui a longtemps été imposée aux femmes. D'autre part, l'œuvre aborde également le thème de la force, représentée par la musculature masculine. Le but de ces représentations est de remettre en question les stéréotypes et les conceptions figées des identités de genre.
philgoddard Jul 25, 2023:
Create a subtle shift in perspective? I don't have a clear idea of what we're looking at here.
Yassine El Bouknify Jul 25, 2023:
make a slight adjustment "shift the cursor slightly" or "make a slight adjustment." In this context, it refers to the series of paintings titled "vestales," which serve as an homage to the ancient goddess Vesta. Through these paintings, the artist subtly challenges or alters existing perceptions and representations to reveal new objects that are revered or idolized. The phrase implies a small yet significant change in perspective or understanding.

Proposed translations

2 days 14 hrs
French term (edited): déplacent d\'un poil le curseur

they alter our perspective

Just suggesting something non-figurative here, as I'm mindful that the text is a piece of gallery/museum interpretation, which should be as plain as poss. Interpretation panels in the UK also often include inclusive language, hence the 'our'.
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks for your suggestion - I ended up going with a combination of the suggestions here, but yours was the closest to what I chose."
2 hrs

move the frame of reference a smidgen

I see curseur here not as the thingy we see on our computer screens but rather as the mobile piece on a joiner's marking gauge or - and I really am showing my age here - on a slide rule (always liked the smell of it), a reference point.
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12 hrs

Shift the focus slightly

It's clearly metaphorical and goes on to say ' it reveals....
Note from asker:
Just wanted to say thank you for your suggestion - I went with a combination of the answers here and would have shared the points if I could!
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17 hrs

they move the cursor a bit to reveal new divine items.

To move the boundaries or to push the limits.
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16 mins

move the needle a fraction

I feel the "déplacer le cursuer" is used in the same way here as "move the needle", which works for this context. And you have options for "d'un poil" - I suggest "a fraction" but there are plenty more.

Note added at 17 hrs (2023-07-26 13:35:18 GMT)

For those not familiar with the idiom:
"Move the needle is an idiom that is several decades old.(...)
Move the needle is an idiom that means to make a change that is noticeable, to alter or modify something so that the effect of your action is measurable. Most often, move the needle is used in a positive sense, meaning to make progress toward a goal. The expression move the needle became popular in a figurative sense from the 1980s and is one of many phrases that began as business jargon. The image is of a needle on a gauge or meter moving in response to stimuli; related phrases are moves the needle, moved the needle, moving the needle."

Note added at 17 hrs (2023-07-26 13:38:12 GMT)

And here's an example of its use (not an esoteric art text, but a similar context of shifting societal perspectives):
"Embrace a ‘systems perspective’ to move the needle on women’s leadership"
Peer comment(s):

agree Sheri P
7 mins
neutral Tony M : I can't see how you get from the very IT-associated 'cursor' to the much more homely 'needle', suggesting the old technology of vinyl records etc. I certainly can't see any connection with images?
12 mins
Neither expression is literal! I'll add in a ref to the "move the needle" idiom for you.
neutral Jennifer Levey : The ST employs a figurative use of 'curseur' which doesn't tally with your 'needle'.
35 mins
The needle is also figurative, not literal.
agree SafeTex : Hello Philipa. I prefer "nudge the needle" for a couple of reasons but I think your suggestion is fine, and I'm pretty surprised, to put it mildly, by what was said in the "neutrals".
3 hrs
Thanks! And, Ikr? ;-)
disagree Mpoma : Meaningless. The art context is not atypically problematic to grasp, but this simply makes no sense.
19 hrs
Since we're not beating about the bush: rubbish. It only makes no sense to someone without a grasp of the idom.
agree Anastasia Kalantzi
4 days
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Reference comments

50 mins

'curseur', au figuré :

3. Au figuré. Ce qui sert de repère dans l'évolution d'une situation (personnelle, économique, etc.) : Repositionner le curseur de la violence à la télé.

Tout l’enjeu est sans doute moins de nous indiquer où positionner le curseur moral et politique, que de remettre en question une vision simpliste, et surtout déconnectée de la réalité, de la lutte entre les « bons et les méchants ».
Peer comments on this reference comment:

agree Emmanuella
10 hrs
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