Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

soured cream

French translation:

crème aigre

Added to glossary by SandraBr (X)
Jun 19, 2003 21:37
21 yrs ago
2 viewers *
English term

sour cream

Non-PRO English to French Other
The type used when celebrating Swedish midsummer

Proposed translations

8 mins

crème aigre

Note added at 2003-06-19 21:46:51 (GMT)

Voici un exemple de smörgasbord qui veut dire textuellement (table de pain beurré ) le smörgasbord est un festin soigneusement préparé et qui se compose de mets suédois les plus fins dont les origines remontent loin dans le passé.

L\' ordre du smörgasbord

1ère étape :

Le hareng suivant le cérémonial rituel, les Suédois commencent toujours par les harengs.

Peut-être comme ici, par six sélections en commençant en haut à gauche, on aperçoit dans le sens des aiguilles d\'une montre :

le hareng du verrier ;
du hareng mariné frit ;
du hareng mariné maison ;
du hareng à la crème aigre ;

Note added at 2003-06-19 21:48:03 (GMT)

La recette des harengs de la Midsommar
Ingrédients : 4 filets de harengs crus entiers marinés (2 bocaux), 1 oignon rouge, 1 brin de ciboulette.
Pour la sauce : 1 dl de crème aigre, 1 cuillère à soupe bombée de mayonnaise, 2 cuillères à café de moutarde, quelques gouttes de sauce Worcester, 1 cuillère à soupe de jus des harengs.
Préparation : couper les harengs en morceaux et les disposer dans un plat. Mélanger tous les ingrédients de la sauce et la verser sur les harengs. Garnir avec les oignons et la ciboulette finement hachés.
Peer comment(s):

agree Thierry LOTTE : word to word trsl
1 min
agree writeaway : (do they serve it with oysters too?)
9 mins
thanks, you'll never forget, will you?
agree chaplin : ça sonne mieux! coucou Nadine
9 mins
merci et coucou
agree Geneviève von Levetzow
21 mins
agree roneill
54 mins
agree Karine Piera
54 mins
agree cjohnstone
1 hr
agree lien : je ne connais que la creme aigre, pas acide ou sure
2 hrs
agree Caroline Mackay-Sim (X)
4 hrs
agree Nancy Bonnefond : en France oui, ceci dit elle n'est pas courante et on ne s'en sert pas beaucoup, comparé aux USA (ou ils ne se servent pas beaucoup de la "crème fraiche")
10 hrs
agree michele meenawong (X)
13 hrs
agree Said Kaljanac a.k.a. SARAJ
23 hrs
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you to everyone for your input."
7 mins

creme fermentee

according to my dictionnary ( Robert et Collins)

Note added at 2003-06-19 21:47:33 (GMT)

bon,voici ce que donne l\'Eurodico, et qui me parait tout de meme plus exact que ma creme fermentee

Agriculture - Food Industry - Livestock Industry - Fisheries - Bio-industry (AG)
TERM sour cream

Reference CNEEMA Dict.,1970

Note {DOM} dairy work:processing milk
TERM crème aigre

Reference Dict.CNEEMA,1970

Note {DOM} laiterie:transformation du lait

Note added at 2003-06-19 21:50:05 (GMT)

Crème aigre

La crème aigre (appelée «crème sure» au Canada) est fabriquée à partir de crème pasteurisée fermentée par une culture bactérienne. Elle confère un goût acidulé aux aliments; elle assaisonne soupes, trempettes, sauces, goulasch, pains et gâteaux. Aux États-Unis, la pomme de terre cuite au four est accompagnée de crème aigre. La sauce smitane et le bortsch sont d\'autres utilisations typiques.\\
Peer comment(s):

agree roneill : oui, crème aigre
54 mins
disagree uparis : "Crème fermentée" is something like sour goobery cottage cheese, crème aigre means "bitter", not "sour cream" - in France
1 hr
you're right, creme fermentee isn't the right expression here, I was wrong, but I really sure that creme aigre is the right one
agree Yolanda Broad : crème aigre
3 hrs
agree prinmonica : I've hear people use crème aigre in France.
5 hrs
agree Said Kaljanac a.k.a. SARAJ : crème aigre
23 hrs
Something went wrong...
8 mins

crème acide

According to Babylon glossary

Note added at 2003-06-19 21:46:45 (GMT)

... La crème aigre ou crème acide Obtenue par fermentation bactérienne, elle est
très utilisée en Europe de l\'Est, en Europe centrale et en Russie (\"smitane ...

Note added at 2003-06-19 21:48:37 (GMT)

... La crème aigre ou crème acide Obtenue par fermentation bactérienne, elle est
très ... ainsi qu\'en pays anglo-saxons qui en font grand cas (\"sour cream\"). ...

Note added at 2003-06-19 21:49:18 (GMT)


crème sure

Domaine(s) : - food industry


sour cream
crème sure n. f.

Définition :
Cream soured by the addition of a culture of lactic acid bacteria that produces lactic fermentation.

Note(s) :
The cream is pasteurized at 180 °F for 30 minutes, cooled to 155°, and homogenized at 2 000 lb pressure. After cooling to 70 °F, from 1 to 3% of starter isadded and thoroughly mixed with the cream. Where such additions are permitted, from 0.2 ml to 0.5 ml of rennet extract or a stabilizer such as gelatin or sodium alginate is added to 10 gallons of cream in order to give the finished product a heavy body and smooth appearance. The finished product should have about o.6%-0.7% acidity, within 12-14 hours, with a clean, acid flavor. As a heavy body is desired, agitation must be avoided as much as possible. The inoculated cream sometimes is packaged in consumer-sized containers and allowed to ripen in the container, thus avoiding undue handling.

From the GD

Note added at 2003-06-19 21:49:59 (GMT)

... du lait, qui transforment le lactose en acide lactique ... crème aigre porte souvent
le nom de «crème sûre» sous l\'influence de l\'anglais «sour cream». ... Df_HTML/HTML_600/607b.html

Note added at 2003-06-19 21:51:22 (GMT)

Comment on a \"huilé\" l\'Amérique, ou la défense des graisses ...
... La nouvelle politique de \"l\'imitation\" signifiait que les imitations de crème
acide (sour cream), fabriquée à base d\'huile végétale et d\'ingrédients ...
Something went wrong...
18 mins

crème sure

"Domaine(s) : - food industry


sour cream
crème sure n. f.

Définition :
Cream soured by the addition of a culture of lactic acid bacteria that produces lactic fermentation.

Note(s) :
The cream is pasteurized at 180 °F for 30 minutes, cooled to 155°, and homogenized at 2 000 lb pressure. After cooling to 70 °F, from 1 to 3% of starter isadded and thoroughly mixed with the cream. Where such additions are permitted, from 0.2 ml to 0.5 ml of rennet extract or a stabilizer such as gelatin or sodium alginate is added to 10 gallons of cream in order to give the finished product a heavy body and smooth appearance. The finished product should have about o.6%-0.7% acidity, within 12-14 hours, with a clean, acid flavor. As a heavy body is desired, agitation must be avoided as much as possible. The inoculated cream sometimes is packaged in consumer-sized containers and allowed to ripen in the container, thus avoiding undue handling.

[Office de la langue française, 1983]"


Serge L.
Peer comment(s):

agree suky
2 mins
agree Merline : Absolument (GDT) pour le Québec. L'expression est peut-être inconnue en Europe.
27 mins
agree writeaway : seems to be 100% Canadian and is the Canadian eqivalent of crème aigre: - 27k
1 hr
agree Yolanda Broad
2 hrs
agree Louise Dupont (X)
3 hrs
agree Jean-Claude Gouin
4 hrs
Merci à toutes et à tous!
Something went wrong...
23 mins

crème fraîche

Maybe "crème aigre" would work in Canada, but nobody uses that term in France .
Here sour cream is called "crème fraîche".
It's either "liquide" or "épaisse" - to put a dollop on marinated herring etc., I suppose you'd use crème fraîche épaisse.

Note added at 2003-06-19 22:10:26 (GMT)

I should add that fresh cream - the kind you\'d use for whipping cream - is called \"crème fleurette\".
All \"crème fraîche\" is, in fact, not \"fresh\" but fermented, i.e. sour.

This is the voice of experience talking - it took me at least 10 years of living in Paris and many hours of arguing this point in cheese shops and at dinner tables to accept this fact of (French) life.

Note added at 2003-06-19 22:19:45 (GMT)

Check out a couple of French sites on the Web - NOT something that\'s been translated.
Believe me : what you\'d call \"sour cream\" in North America - or Sweden - is \"crème fraîche\" in France, because all crème fraîche is is sour !

Note added at 2003-06-19 23:12:46 (GMT)

Bon, I still think that if you want French people to get the right idea of what they eat in Sweden, you\'d say \"crème fraîche\".
If you want to make it sound like some exotic local taste, use \"crème aigre\" - but I believe that for 99.9% of the French population, \"crème aigre\" would evoke sour cream with a bitter aftertaste, i.e. that tastes as if it had gone bad.
\"Saure Sahne\" also exists in Germany (where I was born). The exact taste you won\'t find here in Paris, where I live, but the closest equivalent is crème fraîche.
If you\'re writing for Canada, maybe \"crème sûre\" would work - don\'t know about that.
Well, that\'s all, folks.
Peer comment(s):

neutral RHELLER : not exactly the same thing-cannot make whipped cream with sour cream
5 mins
That's exactly what I said - when it's NOT sour cream (= crème fraîche) it's called crème fleuretteing that
neutral Geneviève von Levetzow : Ce serait une catastrophe de les confondre pour un gâteau ;)
7 mins
C'est encore pire pour Irish Coffee - all that was part of my learning process
neutral writeaway : crème fraîche is a bit sour, but this sort of sour cream is something else and does exist in France (check Google): "Astuce : on obtient de la crème aigre en mélangeant crème fraîche et quelques gouttes de jus de
55 mins
Something went wrong...
5 hrs

Crème sure

Nous, au Canada, sommes très heureux avec notre crème sure : épaisse et... sure!

Tout sauf crème aigre...
Peer comment(s):

neutral writeaway : Crème sure IS crème aigre, just the French Canadian term: voir: - 27k
2 hrs
Something went wrong...
1 day 1 hr

Crème acidulée

Something went wrong...
1 day 17 hrs

soured cream

Soured cream is the correct term. Not sour cream.
Stor midsommarkram till Sandra!
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