Glossary entry (derived from question below)
English term or phrase:
two-thirds world
French translation:
pays en voie de developpement
Added to glossary by
Iolanta Vlaykova Paneva
Nov 1, 2003 19:47
21 yrs ago
English term
two-thirds world
English to French
Dans un document gouvernemental concernant l'aide humanitaire aux pays étrangers :
A tax incentive be given to companies for donations of inventories (trading stock) made to Canadian charities for medical charitable work carried out in humanitarian aid and development programs in the two-thirds world.
A tax incentive be given to companies for donations of inventories (trading stock) made to Canadian charities for medical charitable work carried out in humanitarian aid and development programs in the two-thirds world.
Proposed translations
Proposed translations
2 hrs
pays en voie de developpement
cela vient du contexte
les autres pays ne recoivent pas des dons
les autres pays ne recoivent pas des dons
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
12 mins
les pays développés
par opposition aux pays du 1/3 monde...
Peer comment(s):
disagree |
: contre-sens
2 mins
neutral |
: not quite that to my mind, but pascie are you that suree of yourself all the time ? if so you must be the best (?) translator in the world !!!!
22 mins
disagree |
Will Matter
: 2nd and 3rd world are the LESS developed countries.
28 mins
neutral |
: agree with pascie
53 mins
14 mins
les deux-tiers du monde
meme chose que dans l'expression:
to lose two-thirds of one's money
Note added at 2003-11-01 20:18:38 (GMT)
The proper English should read:
development programs in the two-thirds of the world.
Note added at 2003-11-01 20:45:49 (GMT)
Anyway, there is no need to argue about this sentence as it is essentially gibberish. A tax incentive be given should be: A tax incentive should or has been be/been given.
We all may to talk about intelligible matters here. Don\'t you agree. So Veronique, if I were you, I would go back to the outsourcer and ask him/her a better written document.
Note added at 2003-11-01 21:03:55 (GMT)
Quel type de population trouve-t-on dans les deux-tiers du Monde? Riches ou pauvres?
That is the question!
to lose two-thirds of one's money
Note added at 2003-11-01 20:18:38 (GMT)
The proper English should read:
development programs in the two-thirds of the world.
Note added at 2003-11-01 20:45:49 (GMT)
Anyway, there is no need to argue about this sentence as it is essentially gibberish. A tax incentive be given should be: A tax incentive should or has been be/been given.
We all may to talk about intelligible matters here. Don\'t you agree. So Veronique, if I were you, I would go back to the outsourcer and ask him/her a better written document.
Note added at 2003-11-01 21:03:55 (GMT)
Quel type de population trouve-t-on dans les deux-tiers du Monde? Riches ou pauvres?
That is the question!
Peer comment(s):
neutral |
: NON NON NON if I may
21 mins
see below my note. thanks!
neutral |
: arrête un peu pascie tous ces disagree systématiques à tout le monde , il existe d'autres moyens pour prouver l'exactitude de sa réponse
28 mins
see below my note. thanks!
disagree |
Will Matter
: not a fraction, refers to standard political designation of 1st, 2nd, 3rd world countries. 'Development programs in the two-thirds of the world' is not correct English, syntax indicates that something is missing or incorrect.
32 mins
see below my note. thanks!
neutral |
: not here
53 mins
39 mins
Second and Third
Think this is a mistranslation of something into English, 'two-third world' makes no sense. However, 'Second & Third World' as in '....countries of the Second and Third World' does. Maybe the original abbreviated these as '2nd (second) and 3rd (third) World' and it was misunderstood. Standard designation to refer to less developed (2nd) and underdeveloped (3rd) countries of the world.
Note added at 2003-11-01 20:48:26 (GMT)
Original probably read... 2/3 world.. or something like that and the reader was meant to understand it as an abbreviation or maybe it was in French (originally) and the marks used for \'nd\' & \'rd\' (not sure what you call it in French, sorry) were overlooked or excluded. Above i mean like 1st, 2nd, 3rd etc., you know, the small circle to the right of the number.
Note added at 2003-11-01 20:50:18 (GMT)
Sorry, pascie, should\'ve been a \'neutral\' and i did see it. Excusez moi, SVP, no slight intended.
Note added at 2003-11-01 21:13:29 (GMT)
However, the text is not incorrect. One CAN say (We propose that) a tax incentive *be given* to companies....followed by the rest. There is nothing wrong with this English, not gibberish, merely formal but not wrong.
Note added at 2003-11-01 20:48:26 (GMT)
Original probably read... 2/3 world.. or something like that and the reader was meant to understand it as an abbreviation or maybe it was in French (originally) and the marks used for \'nd\' & \'rd\' (not sure what you call it in French, sorry) were overlooked or excluded. Above i mean like 1st, 2nd, 3rd etc., you know, the small circle to the right of the number.
Note added at 2003-11-01 20:50:18 (GMT)
Sorry, pascie, should\'ve been a \'neutral\' and i did see it. Excusez moi, SVP, no slight intended.
Note added at 2003-11-01 21:13:29 (GMT)
However, the text is not incorrect. One CAN say (We propose that) a tax incentive *be given* to companies....followed by the rest. There is nothing wrong with this English, not gibberish, merely formal but not wrong.
58 mins
dans le Deux-tiers Monde ou le Monde majoritaire (Majority Worldd)
Si les femmes comptaient : Glossaire - [ Translate this page ]
... Quelques personnes maintenant utilisent les termes de "Deux-tiers Monde" ou
"Monde majoritaire". UNSNA (United Nations System of National Accounts). ... - 16k - Cached - Similar pages
Interview de Flo - [ Translate this page ]
... du tiers-monde ? Tout d'abord, on parle souvent du tiers-monde, mais
pourquoi ne parle t'on jamais du deux-tiers-monde ? Et puis ... - 4k - Cached - Similar pages
New Colonialism Emerging - Whither Beijing?
... One author calls these two groups the One-Third World (rich nations) of economically
developed countries and the Two-Thirds world (Third World) of the poorer ... - 15k - Cached - Similar pages
Theologies from the Two-Thirds World
... have arisen within social, economical, and political situations in the impoverished
countries (also called Third World or Two-Thirds World) where there is a ... - 11k -
NOTE ABOUT THIS LIST: many prefer to talk about the "two thirds world" not the third world, making the point that most of the world lives on very little. However most who search the web use the term "third world" hence it is used here
Understanding the Two-Thirds World: At Home and Abroad We propose an important initiative on teaching and research relating to geographical areas located outside of the West—sometimes called the Third World, but which we refer to as the Two-Thirds World, in deference to the percentage of the global population that lives or emigrates from within its borders. The Two-Thirds World proposal has the following elements:
Note added at 1 hr 0 min (2003-11-01 20:48:18 GMT)
Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization - [ Translate this page ]
... héritage du passé colonial, la distinction simpliste entre pays du premier monde,
qui envoient, et ceux du tiers monde(deux-tiers monde !), qui reçoivent. ... - 75k - Cached - Similar pages
Bibliothèque nationale du Québec - Bibliographie du Québec- ... - [ Translate this page ]
... (1). Complainte du deux-tiers monde (1). The complete book of money
secrets (1). Le comportement du consommateur. Guide du maître (1). ... - 101k
Note added at 1 hr 1 min (2003-11-01 20:49:33 GMT)
c\'est la même chose que le Tiers monde mais comme \'on considère que le Tiers monde (puavre) représente en fait les 2/3 du monde
... Quelques personnes maintenant utilisent les termes de "Deux-tiers Monde" ou
"Monde majoritaire". UNSNA (United Nations System of National Accounts). ... - 16k - Cached - Similar pages
Interview de Flo - [ Translate this page ]
... du tiers-monde ? Tout d'abord, on parle souvent du tiers-monde, mais
pourquoi ne parle t'on jamais du deux-tiers-monde ? Et puis ... - 4k - Cached - Similar pages
New Colonialism Emerging - Whither Beijing?
... One author calls these two groups the One-Third World (rich nations) of economically
developed countries and the Two-Thirds world (Third World) of the poorer ... - 15k - Cached - Similar pages
Theologies from the Two-Thirds World
... have arisen within social, economical, and political situations in the impoverished
countries (also called Third World or Two-Thirds World) where there is a ... - 11k -
NOTE ABOUT THIS LIST: many prefer to talk about the "two thirds world" not the third world, making the point that most of the world lives on very little. However most who search the web use the term "third world" hence it is used here
Understanding the Two-Thirds World: At Home and Abroad We propose an important initiative on teaching and research relating to geographical areas located outside of the West—sometimes called the Third World, but which we refer to as the Two-Thirds World, in deference to the percentage of the global population that lives or emigrates from within its borders. The Two-Thirds World proposal has the following elements:
Note added at 1 hr 0 min (2003-11-01 20:48:18 GMT)
Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization - [ Translate this page ]
... héritage du passé colonial, la distinction simpliste entre pays du premier monde,
qui envoient, et ceux du tiers monde(deux-tiers monde !), qui reçoivent. ... - 75k - Cached - Similar pages
Bibliothèque nationale du Québec - Bibliographie du Québec- ... - [ Translate this page ]
... (1). Complainte du deux-tiers monde (1). The complete book of money
secrets (1). Le comportement du consommateur. Guide du maître (1). ... - 101k
Note added at 1 hr 1 min (2003-11-01 20:49:33 GMT)
c\'est la même chose que le Tiers monde mais comme \'on considère que le Tiers monde (puavre) représente en fait les 2/3 du monde
Peer comment(s):
agree |
: this translation meets my ideas. Thanks!
2 mins
agree |
Will Matter
: but think a clear distinction between 2nd & 3rd should be made but otherwise agree.
8 mins
agree |
: exactly - see my book reference by term inventor
10 mins
merci bien :-)
agree |
ohlala (X)
49 mins
agree |
Aida Macedo
1 hr
agree |
Bourth (X)
: ah, si le tiers monde correspond au two thirds world, on n'est pas sorti de l'auberge!
2 hrs
merci et bien d'accord
agree |
sarahl (X)
: bien vu
10 hrs
agree |
15 hrs
1 hr
concepte des missionaires
I have used the terminology
Two-Thirds World
rather than the more familiar Third World or "developing nations." Both of the latter terms connote to me the idea of lagging behind when, in fact, certain values in many of these countries and cultures are more worthy of emulation than some in so-called "developed" or industrialized nations. Again, "third world" can come across as "third class," while "developing nation" is simply a false statement in reference to the direction some countries are going. The term Two-Thirds World is at least descriptive of the population distribution on our globe between the rich and the poor.
David E. Van Reken
Wheaton, Illinois July 31, 1986
... V., en C. Sugden (red.), Sharing Jesus in the Two-Thirds World, Grand Rapids ... E. Van Reken, The Third Culture Kid Experience: Growing up among Worlds, Yarmouth ... Bibliografie%20per%20categorie.doc
Two-Thirds World
rather than the more familiar Third World or "developing nations." Both of the latter terms connote to me the idea of lagging behind when, in fact, certain values in many of these countries and cultures are more worthy of emulation than some in so-called "developed" or industrialized nations. Again, "third world" can come across as "third class," while "developing nation" is simply a false statement in reference to the direction some countries are going. The term Two-Thirds World is at least descriptive of the population distribution on our globe between the rich and the poor.
David E. Van Reken
Wheaton, Illinois July 31, 1986
... V., en C. Sugden (red.), Sharing Jesus in the Two-Thirds World, Grand Rapids ... E. Van Reken, The Third Culture Kid Experience: Growing up among Worlds, Yarmouth ... Bibliografie%20per%20categorie.doc
3 hrs
I find it sad that people have felt the need to reinvent the world because they don't understand the meaning or origin of expressions.
AFAIK, third world/tiers monde does not refer to fractions, but to a sort of ranking. That said, I don't know what the "second world" is!
So what will we end up with some bright spark decides to rebaptize "le quart monde"? What fraction of a given population does le quart monde represent, I wonder?
AFAIK, third world/tiers monde does not refer to fractions, but to a sort of ranking. That said, I don't know what the "second world" is!
So what will we end up with some bright spark decides to rebaptize "le quart monde"? What fraction of a given population does le quart monde represent, I wonder?
Peer comment(s):
neutral |
: don't be so sad - it already exists
2 mins
agree |
Iolanta Vlaykova Paneva
1 hr
neutral |
Jean-Luc Dumont
: Rita :-) Le quart monde (1969). Synonyme moins péjoratif de sous-prolétariat, le terme évoque 1 // avec le Tiers monde, montre la persistance de l’extrême pauvreté dans pays dits "riches"
4 hrs
39 mins
pays moyennement développés, intermédiaires
on their way up in terms of development though the English is a bit odd, but often is !!!
contrary to our friend pascie, my translating life is an eternal guesswork... the more experience I have (quite a lot) te more I consider my opinions as guesses... and a friendly sign to hundred percenters in confidence level... I stick to my confidene lowest guessing type of strike et ... à chacun de voir si e que je propose vaut quoi que ce soit!!! :-) à tous
Note added at 14 hrs 2 mins (2003-11-02 09:50:39 GMT)
pays intermédiaires c\'est mieux à la réflexion
contrary to our friend pascie, my translating life is an eternal guesswork... the more experience I have (quite a lot) te more I consider my opinions as guesses... and a friendly sign to hundred percenters in confidence level... I stick to my confidene lowest guessing type of strike et ... à chacun de voir si e que je propose vaut quoi que ce soit!!! :-) à tous
Note added at 14 hrs 2 mins (2003-11-02 09:50:39 GMT)
pays intermédiaires c\'est mieux à la réflexion
Peer comment(s):
agree |
Will Matter
: OUI! Tres bon, cjohnstone. Designating countries as 1st world (developed), 2nd world (less developed) & 3rd world (underdeveloped) is standard & accepted socio-political nomenclature and has been for over 30 years.
11 mins
agree |
29 mins
agree |
Helen Chrysanthopoulou
5 hrs
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