Glossary entry

English term or phrase:


Spanish translation:

incierto (see context)

Added to glossary by Andrea Bullrich
Mar 6, 2002 15:41
23 yrs ago
6 viewers *
English term


English to Spanish Other
the uncharted future

Proposed translations

13 mins

el futuro incierto

Just a thought... I'd like to have more context.

Peer comment(s):

agree Teresa Duran-Sanchez : Otra buena opción, pero "futuro ignoto" me gusta más...
8 mins
agree Alisu S-G : me gusta más que ignoto
12 mins
Ser, y no saber nada, y ser sin rumbo cierto, y el temor de haber sido y un futuro terror... :-(
agree Maria Dolors Gonzálvez Playà
30 mins
agree Claudia Campbell : me gusta m
43 mins
Something went wrong...
2 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Gracias!!"
8 mins

el futuro desconocido

as "the unknown future"
Peer comment(s):

agree Fernando Muela Sopeña
3 mins
Gracias, Fernando!
disagree Antonio Costa (X) : Todo fuuturo es desconocido.
6 mins
This is true! But since there was no context, I suppose I took it in more of a literary sense! Besides, as "charted" as the future may be, it's always remains unknown. Thanks for the comment!
Something went wrong...
12 mins

futuro ignorado

Dont mind the future
Something went wrong...
13 mins


Otra manera más literaria de decir lo mismo: "el futuro ignoto"
Con menos literatura, el futuro ignorado.
Peer comment(s):

agree Teresa Duran-Sanchez : suena estupendamente
7 mins
agree Bernardo Ortiz
10 mins
Something went wrong...
14 mins

futuro incierto

Something went wrong...
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