Aug 24, 2010 09:48
14 yrs ago
10 viewers *
French term

aucune inscription n'a été prise au dit fichier

French to English Law/Patents Law (general) wills - inheritance
This is from a document entitled "Notoriété après le décès de X", and this phrase is under the section called "Fichier des dispositions de dernières volontés". The full sentence is:

"Le fichier des dispositions de dernières volontés a adressé, sur sa demande, au Notaire soussigné, un certificat qui demeurera ci-joint et annexé après mention, dont il résulte qu'aucune inscription n'a été prise audit fichier."

My assumption is that this means that no last will has been recorded in their files. Assuming that I am correct, what is the best way to word this phrase at the end of the sentence? - "...that no record has been found in the file/database" ?
Change log

Sep 1, 2010 15:04: Yolanda Broad changed "Term asked" from "aucune inscription n\'a été prise audit fichier" to "aucune inscription n\'a été prise au dit fichier"


Isabelle Parsley Aug 24, 2010:
Tony and Allegro are right - my answer wasn't correct, though I'll maintain my brain knew what it *wanted* to say. ;) Next time, wait till coffee has been ingested before posting! Anyway, don't want to cause confusion so I've hidden it now.
Callum Walker (asker) Aug 24, 2010:
Of course! ... my brain has not engaged this morning at all - how can i have missed "audit" to mean "au[-]dit"!?!
Tony M Aug 24, 2010:
Yes... that's exactly what I was trying to say!

NB: it's not 'audit' in the EN sense of 'audit', but a contraction of « à ledit fichier »!! 'prendre inscription à un fichier'

The general organization of ideas is:

'the certificate'
'from which we learn'
'that no registration has been made in said file'
Callum Walker (asker) Aug 24, 2010:
@ Tony M There is a document attached to the main document which is from the "Fichier Central des dispositions de dernières volontés" in which it states that 'no record is present in the Central Register as of the [date]' (translated from the document). This is why I believe that it means that this central registry body have checked their records (prendre audit?? - auditing I suppose does relate to checking?!) and that no record has been found in the name of the deceased individual.

Any thoughts?
Tony M Aug 24, 2010:
I don't think it means that at all My (purely layman's!) understanding is that in France, you can pay to have your will registered with a central registry, or choose to simply lodge it with your local notaire.

It seems that in this case, there was no record of a centralized registration, as the will was held on file by the notaire.

Check with the experts, though!

Proposed translations

3 hrs
French term (edited): aucune inscription n'a été prise audit fichier

no registration has been made in the aforementioned register

"...certificate, ..., the outcome of which is that..."

You'll really need to restructure the whole thing to make it work properly in EN, but I think that's the underlying sense, at any rate.

It means (roughly, in plain language!) "We've gone through the right procedure and checked with the central registry, who have sent back a certificate (which will be filed along with this document) confirming that there has been no registration of a Will in the aforementioned Register"
Peer comment(s):

agree AllegroTrans
8 mins
Thanks, A/T!
agree Evelyne Trolley de Prévaux
17 mins
Merci, ETdP !
agree Sandra Mouton
21 hrs
Merci, Sandra !
agree B D Finch : One generally avoids repetitionof "regist*" by referring to an "entry" in a register.
23 hrs
Thanks, Barbara! Yes, indeed, that would of course be much better...!
agree GeoS
3 days 3 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
1 hr
French term (edited): aucune inscription n'a été prise audit fichier

the said file has not been registered

My suggestion.
Peer comment(s):

disagree Tony M : No, the 'fichier' is the registry where the Will might have been registered, so this would be a contresens here (that's why it is 'à' and not 'de').
5 mins
disagree AllegroTrans : Tony M is right
1 hr
Something went wrong...
3 hrs
French term (edited): aucune inscription n'a été prise audit fichier

no inscription was taken from the file

this is a tough one in the sense that the French sentence is absolutely wrong. I have a feeling it is a bad translation from English and then you have to revert it.

But I agree that "audit" means "au dit" i.e. "in" or "from". Hope this will help you.
Peer comment(s):

neutral Tony M : I don't agree that the FR is "absolutely wrong" — I think you just have to get into a notaire's mind-set to follow it! Your suggestion correctly follows the meaning, though I can't help feeling it is too literal to be usable as it stands.
3 mins
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