Glossary entry

French term or phrase:

passe dans les moeurs

English translation:

becomes common practice

Added to glossary by Jason Willis-Lee
Nov 10, 2008 09:34
16 yrs ago
French term

passe dans les moeurs

French to English Medical Medical: Health Care
Nasay sprays vs. injection of vaccines...

Je suis plus convaincu par la forme "traditionnelle", et je préfère attendre que la nouvelle méthode fasse ses preuves et ***passe dans les moeurs***.
Proposed translations (English)
3 +9 becomes common practice

Proposed translations

7 mins

becomes common practice

Peer comment(s):

agree Euqinimod (X) : Oui, ou normal practice
2 mins
Merci Euquinimod
agree kashew : Oui, or "accepted"
4 mins
Thank you Kashew
agree MurielP (X)
4 mins
Merci Muriel
agree Gabrielle Lyons : yes - I like "accepted" best
5 mins
Merci Gabrielle
agree Drmanu49
16 mins
Merci Dr Manu
agree swanda
36 mins
Merci Swanda
agree cezara lucas
37 mins
Merci Cezara
agree Carol Gullidge : "common" was my first thought
1 hr
Thank you Carol
agree Gina W
8 hrs
Thank you gad
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks Anne!"
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