Mar 26, 2002 14:37
22 yrs ago
French term

comment il fait beau

Non-PRO French to English Other
comment il fait beau.....

Proposed translations

11 mins

What beautiful weather...or .....what lovely weather

Peer comment(s):

agree Erika Pavelka (X)
1 min
agree Margaret Lagoyianni
2 mins
agree DPolice
3 mins
agree Rebecca Lowery
22 mins
agree Elisabeth Ghysels
55 mins
agree sjpereira
1 hr
agree Enza Longo
2 hrs
agree Nicole Dargere
2 hrs
agree Lilla (X)
3 hrs
agree ydmills
7 hrs
agree Nicola Da Si (X)
19 hrs
agree Alexandra Hague : Or "what a beautiful day" if this fits in the context.
1 day 22 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Graded automatically based on peer agreement. KudoZ."
10 mins

How fine is the weather ?

'Comment il fait beau' ne se dit pas en Français
on peut dire
- Quel temps fait-il ?
- Fait-il beau ?
- Est-ce qu'il fait beau ?
C'est à dire en anglais :
-What's the weather like ?
- Is the weather fine ?
Peer comment(s):

neutral Lilla (X) : J'ai deja entendu "comment il fait beau", mais dans la bouche d'enfants de 5 a 10 ans!!
3 hrs
on ne connaît pas l'âge d'Amra..
disagree ydmills : It's ungrammatical
7 hrs
yes that's what I wrote
Something went wrong...
11 mins

How beautiful the weather is

that's it
Peer comment(s):

neutral R.J.Chadwick (X) : Except that hardly anyone would say this.
12 hrs
Something went wrong...
26 mins

Comme il fait beau!

Cette phrase est une affirmation. Comment est interrogatif, en francais on dirait: Quel temps fait-il?
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12 hrs

What a lovely day!

Would be more appropriate as an off the cuff comment than "What beautiful weather" which would be more likely to refer to the weather over an extended period.
Peer comment(s):

agree LJC (X)
3 hrs
agree Jennifer White
17 hrs
Thank you.
Something went wrong...
2 days 1 hr

How come is it a nice day...

Assuming that it is Comment...

How come is it a nice day if it is raining out there?
Something went wrong...
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