Apr 27, 2005 11:24
19 yrs ago
3 viewers *
French term
French to English
Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc.
Term used in a humanitarian document.
"Ce sous-prolétariat vit dans un milieu marqué par les stigmates de l’exclusion sociale, que la société dominante considère comme un « repoussoir » mais qui est aussi un « refuge » pour ses membres".
"Ce sous-prolétariat vit dans un milieu marqué par les stigmates de l’exclusion sociale, que la société dominante considère comme un « repoussoir » mais qui est aussi un « refuge » pour ses membres".
Proposed translations
Proposed translations
20 mins
a dumping ground
out of sight, out of mind
out of sight, out of mind
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "Dumping ground is perfect.
Many thanks"
8 mins
repulsive, loathsome, repugnant
I would use an adjective. Repoussoir means something that makes you recoil.
11 mins
considers to be repellent
The usual sense seems to be "as a foil for someone" but that doesn't work here. Wonder if this is the sense
19 mins
ugly, revolting
Another suggestion
Also check Larousse
Also check Larousse
21 mins
a reject
was labelled a reject
24 mins
a sink
a sink
55 mins
that society considers to be a dumping ground (for outcasts)
I think that you need to keep the concept of an actual place to which people are 'outcast'.
Good luck.
Good luck.
2 hrs
that the dominant society considers to be a blight/burden
repoussoir is in inverted commas so we could extral=polate from the context that it is referring to the state of social exclusion as something repellent or unwanted in society.
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