May 24, 2013 15:42
11 yrs ago
German term


German to English Law/Patents Human Resources
This is in the 'Vacation' section of an employment contract. The term is used as follows:

Nach 5-jähriger Betriebszugehörigkeit erhält der Mitarbeiter einmalig einen Treuetag, beginnend mit dem darauffolgenden Kalenderjahr.

It sounds pretty clearly like a one-time bonus vacation day as a reward for employee loyalty, but I wonder if there is any particular term for it that already exists ("bonus vacation day as a reward for employee loyalty" is a bit wordy). Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
Proposed translations (English)
4 +6 long service
3 +6 loyalty day


Birgit Gläser May 25, 2013:
We used to have that... back in the olden days ...after 10 years of service the employee would get an additional vacation/holiday day in the current year. For the Germans it was a once-off because we already had 30 days, for the UK staff it was an addition to the regular entitlement up to a max of 30 days annually.
Teresa Reinhardt May 24, 2013:
The Asker is from the US, please feel free to provide other variants
Lancashireman May 24, 2013:
vacation Target readership presumably USA only?

Proposed translations

18 mins

long service

I think you need to make this "wordy" so that it can be understood correctly.

The employee receives an extra day of holiday for long service after 5 years of employment, starting the following calendar year.
Example sentence:

It is common for employers to award employees additional holiday leave in return for long service.

Peer comment(s):

agree palilula (X)
26 mins
agree philgoddard
2 hrs
agree Lancashireman
7 hrs
agree Cilian O'Tuama : two years is hardly "long service", but in our case we start off with x holidays, and that increases by 1 day every 2 years up to a maximum of y.
8 hrs
agree Thayenga : :)
21 hrs
agree Helen Shiner
1 day 3 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
4 mins

loyalty day

would be understood

I don't see it as a once-off, though - beginned mit dem folgenden KJ seems to indicate that it is "for keeps" - but only once a year

Note added at 5 mins (2013-05-24 15:48:10 GMT)

seniority day might be an option, too
Peer comment(s):

agree Kim Metzger : I guess Germans typically get 30 days annual leave, whereas an American is lucky to get 20 days after 15 years of service, so the concept doesn't exist in the US.
18 mins
Thanks, Kim! let's not go there; I know enough people who get 10 UNpaid days of leave, if any - e.g. in the service industry
agree MiriamT (X)
37 mins
Thanks, Miriam!
agree Trudy Peters
3 hrs
Thanks, Trudy!
agree Edith Kelly
3 hrs
Thanks, Edith!
agree David Moore (X)
17 hrs
Thanks, David!
agree Eleanore Strauss : Also known as a seniority perk. But hardly exists in the US, if at all.
1 day 21 hrs
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