Sep 20, 2011 17:38
13 yrs ago
1 viewer *
German term


German to English Medical Medical (general) X-ray
Der Radius zeigt daumenseitig eine Fraktur.


SJLD Sep 21, 2011:
Jutta Scherer Sep 21, 2011:
Couldn't "lateral" refer to the other (the "inner") side of the radius as well? (Just wondering)
SJLD Sep 21, 2011:
"On the thumb side" would be patient level language, not something a radiologist would write in a report.
uyuni Sep 20, 2011:
The thumb can either be located lateral or medial to the body center, depending on pronation or supination in the elbow joint. However, anatomical designations always refer to the so-called neutral position in which the thumbs are turned outward (i.e. away from the middle of the body, which is *lateral* in the sense of strict terminology. That´s why I´d go with SJLD and say *lateral(ly)*.

Proposed translations

8 mins


on the thumb side, which is lateral

Note added at 9 mins (2011-09-20 17:48:00 GMT)

Lehrbuch der röntgendiagnostischen Einstelltechnik: Begründet von ... - Google Books Result Becht, Roland Bittner, Anke Ohmstede - 2008 - Medical - 580 pages
Das Ellenbogengelenk liegt auf Bildempfängermitte, lateral (daumenseitig) mit Keilkissen leicht angehoben, Hand durch einen Sandsack leicht abgestützt

Note added at 15 mins (2011-09-20 17:53:53 GMT)

Here in fact I might say something like: There is a fracture on the lateral aspect of the radius.
Peer comment(s):

agree David Tracey, PhD : If it wasn't a fracture of the radius, one could say 'radially', which in other contexts is better. But not in this one.
5 mins
hi David :-) thanks!
agree uyuni : The lateral surface - *of the radius* - explanation added by me -(facies lateralis; external surface) is convex throughout its entire extent.
23 mins
agree Attila Szabo : auch seitlich, seitwärts
43 mins
agree casper (X)
47 mins
agree Zareh Darakjian Ph.D. : Yes, lateral (with the anatomical position)
2 hrs
agree Gisela Greenlee
3 hrs
agree Harald Moelzer (medical-translator) : as opposed to 'medially'
1 day 12 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Selected automatically based on peer agreement."
24 mins

on the thumb side

I´d say
Peer comment(s):

agree Rosa Paredes : Yes. Simply by the thumb.
7 hrs
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8 hrs

thumb area/side - CachedThe radius is one of the two large bones of the forearm, the other being the ulna. It extends from the lateral side of the elbow to the thumb side of the wrist and ...
Shape - Structure - Fracture - In other animals - Im Cache(Der Arzt spricht von Radius und Ulna). In der Mehrzahl der Fälle sind Speiche (Radius) und Elle (Ulna) gleich lang! Der Unterarmknochen auf der Seite des ...
Radius (Anatomie), lat. für Speiche, ein Unterarmknochen
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