Nov 17, 2003 05:21
21 yrs ago
135 viewers *
German term

Prof. Dr. Med

Non-PRO German to English Medical
In einem Lebenslauf: Prof. Dr. Med Jürgen Schmidt

Kann ich den Titel einfach so stehen lassen oder gibt's dafür eine gebräuchliche Übersetzung?

Proposed translations

1 day 6 hrs

Prof. Dr. Med.

I would most certainly NOT translate this academic title, especially not in a cv!

J Schmidt presumably obtained his qualifications in Germany, hence he is entitled to call himself Prof. Dr. Med. - he is NOT entitled to call himself MD, PhD or whatever, even though these might be the ENglish speaking equivalents.

If you think an English speaker would have a problem understanding what Prof. Dr. Med. stands for (which I sincerely doubt!), by all means use the English language equivalents for explanation.
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Many thanks, Nicole - excellent thinking!"
46 mins

Dr. xxxxxx, M.D.

Professor is of secondary importance to being a medical doctor and is thus left out.
Peer comment(s):

disagree Hilary Davies Shelby : i dont agree with that statement - the "prof" would probably be achieved after the MD, and as such is a higher designation
6 hrs
agree Heathcliff : Umm, no on both counts. Academic status is well worth mentionind, especially in a CV. Second, because "Dr." and "M.D." are largely synonymous, in good English usage one NEVER uses both of them!
9 hrs
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1 hr

Prof. xxx, MD

see the website

Note added at 2003-11-17 07:03:23 (GMT)

So the professors don\'t show the Ph.D, the others have the Dr. to my way of reading

Prof A K Burnett, MD, FRCP, FRCPath (Cardiff)
Prof E C Gordon-Smith, MD, FRCP, FRCPath (London)
Prof J M Hows, MD, FRCP, FRCPath (Bristol)
Dr A Oakhill, FRCP (Bristol)
Dr C M Pollard, MRCP, MRCPath (London)
Prof H G Prentice, MB, FRCP, FRCPath (London)
Dr N H Russell, MD, FRCP (Nottingham)

Scientific Advisory Committee Prof J M Goldman, DM, FRCP, FRCPath (London)

Prof A J Barrett, MD, FRCP (Bethesda, USA)
Prof J R Batchelor, MD, PhD, FRCP (London)
Sir Walter F Bodmer, FRS, PhD, FRCPath (Oxford)
Dr M K Brenner, MD, PhD (Memphis, USA)
Prof D Charron, MD, PhD (Paris)
Prof R I Lechler, PhD, FRCP (London)
Peer comment(s):

agree Cécile Kellermayr
4 mins
Danke und guten Morgen.
agree Mario Marcolin
21 mins
agree Marta Alfonso Perales
3 hrs
agree Hilary Davies Shelby
5 hrs
agree verbis
6 hrs
Thanks all.
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1 hr

Prof. XXX, M.D.

I disagree that Prof. is of secondary importance to M.D. Not every M.D. is a prof. and every (or almost) every prof. in a medical college has a M.D. degree. In a CV you want to include all pertinent informtion.And note that there is a comma after the name.
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