Glossary entry

German term or phrase:

bereichsübergreifende Funktionen

English translation:

company-wide functions

Added to glossary by Rowan Morrell
Sep 21, 2002 03:42
22 yrs ago
3 viewers *
German term

alle bereichsübergreifende Funktionen

German to English Other Staff Magazine
This appears in a list of article categories for a staff magazine.

The word "Funktion" has several meanings in German (more than its English cognate), and I'm not quite sure which meaning is best applicable here. I think "bereichsübergreifend" means something like "across all areas" or "across all divisions/sections".

I am sorely tempted to simply put "General" or "Other", as this category seems to be all articles that don't come under a more specific theme. Do you think that would work? Otherwise, what would be a good way of translating this? TIA for your help.

Discussion Sep 21, 2002:
Confidentiality I hear what you're saying, Karlo, but I don't want to give too many clues on the client's identity.
Karlo Heppner Sep 21, 2002:
Es w�re sinnvoll, mehr von dieser Liste zu sehen.

Proposed translations

4 hrs

company-wide functions

I think functions is fine here. I like your ideas of "general" etc. for bereichsübergreifend, but somehow "company-wide" seems to me like an awfully familiar company idiom in this context.

It means, of course, stuff like accounting and human resources and whatever else, but they will feel insulted if you call them "other". :-)
Peer comment(s):

agree Henk Peelen
46 mins
agree KiwiSue
2 hrs
agree writeaway
3 hrs
agree Jonathan MacKerron : 'across' all company-wide functions even better
4 hrs
I see the "company-wide" as already containing the "across". I want to render the literal "across all divisions" with this phrase, particularly for a categoty title.
agree gangels (X) : sector-wide should do. Blahblah-wide always takes care of "blahblah-übergreifend"
18 hrs
"-wide" is a level higher than "cross-" - i.e. company-wide is equivalent to cross-sector or cross-division.
agree Ana Krämer
19 hrs
agree Ron Stelter
74 days
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you very much for that Chris - that will do quite nicely. But as always, thanks to the others who offered suggestions - I appreciate all your help."
8 mins

functions affecting all areas

or touching all areas.
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21 mins


I am suggesting this but only given your explanation about CONTEXT.

Kind regards,
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1 hr

fuctions across all business areas

or "covering" or "with responsibilities over/across"
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8 hrs

Interdepartmental divisions/functions

Hope this helps you!
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17 hrs

Horizontal functions

Or 'Corporate functions'. These are the functions/departments that serve the more operational divisions of the company, such as legal, HR, finance, communications, etc. Both of my suggested terms are frequently used - certainly in the companies I have worked for.
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