Feb 8, 2007 13:02
18 yrs ago
German term


German to English Other Sports / Fitness / Recreation Football
"Neben Dauergast Bayern München schlugen im Januar mit dem VfB Stuttgart und dem Hamburger SV zwei weitere **Fußball-Erstligisten** ihr Trainingslager in der Wüsten-Metropole auf."

Ye gods, WHY does an American woman always end up with soccer texts for translation into British English???


Francis Lee (X) Feb 13, 2007:
What? Claudia Tomaschek's Agree counts? ;-( What about the Google results and the BBC - and, indeed, good ol' DW? ;-)
Peter Barker Feb 8, 2007:
Well it certainly shows what you get when you combine two inherently self-opinionated groups - linguists and football fans!
Rebecca Holmes (asker) Feb 8, 2007:
Vaguely Hi DHPete, yes, more or less anyhow. ;-) I didn't realize this was such a controversial subject, I was expecting one answer with 325 agrees. One begins to comprehend how football fans often turn violent after games....
Peter Barker Feb 8, 2007:
By the way, Rebecca, as an American unfamiliar with the world of football (soccer), are you managing to follow all of this below?
Peter Barker Feb 8, 2007:
As a general observation in response to a number of postings, I would point out that, strictly speaking, you should include some reference to the fact that these are top GERMAN teams, which is why I proposed "Bundesliga team" as one alternative
Rebecca Holmes (asker) Feb 8, 2007:
Dubai It's an article on Dubai, Francis. However it seems to be drifting heavily towards soc.., er um, football, Andrew!
Lancashireman Feb 8, 2007:
As this is for a BE readership, please ensure that you avoid all reference to 'soccer'. Thanks! AJS
Francis Lee (X) Feb 8, 2007:
Just out of interest, Rebecca: what's the context for the translation?

Proposed translations

5 mins

Bundesliga/top-division (football) teams

Probably lots of other ways you could say it too. In answer to your other question, maybe you should try to take an interest in the "beautiful game" ;-)
Peer comment(s):

agree Stephen Roche : top-division football teams
1 hr
Thanks; BTW I deliberately said Bundesliga because the quote refers specifically to German teams
neutral Francis Lee (X) : but the "Bundesliga" does have two divisions .../ Sorry to belasten your answer with my reply to Claudia "there's only one Bundesliga" (c'mon - sing along!) Tomaschek. I'll make my points to her directly ...
1 hr
Yes, but for a British audience, Bundesliga is generally assumed to mean the top division
agree Claudia Tomaschek : Es gibt nur eine Bundesliga und eine 2. Liga sowie diverse Regional- bzw. Kreisligen. Die einzige richtige Antwort neben 1st division clubs. Francis, never ever would somebody call a Zweitligaclub Bundesliga, no way. Bundesliga means 1st division.
1 hr
agree Rebecca Garber : top division does clarify between division one and first division
2 hrs
agree Steffen Walter : @ Claudia - this is plain wrong. Just visit http://www.bundesliga.de , and you'll see that there's a Bundesliga and a 2. Bundesliga.
2 hrs
agree vic voskuil
4 hrs
agree Cilian O'Tuama : "top-division, German teams" does it for me
12 hrs
agree Beate Petersen
19 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks to all of you for your help! Being relatively clueless in the field, I decided to award the points based on number of agrees, but I appreciate everyone's input and effort - thanks!"
6 mins

football premiership players


Note added at 7 mins (2007-02-08 13:10:10 GMT)

for a BE audience

Note added at 14 mins (2007-02-08 13:16:43 GMT)

Pat is correct, that should be 'teams'.
Peer comment(s):

disagree Pat Jenner (X) : It's clear from the context that the reference is to teams, not individual players
2 mins
disagree Stephen Roche : anyway, this is confusing since they're talking about German, not English, teams
1 hr
which is why I didn't capitalise 'premiership'
neutral Kerstin Hammes (X) : I really like the "Premiership" reference, because that is what the top division is called in England (note that it's different again in Scotland).
1 hr
neutral Cilian O'Tuama : when I hear "premiership" (capitalised or not), I think of England
12 hrs
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3 mins

first division football teams

no comment

Note added at 1 hr (2007-02-08 14:05:25 GMT)

surely you refer to things and teams are being in the first division as a sort of generic these days? Lower case, please note.
Top-flight is a value judgement and says nothing about the league in which they play. They may just be out of their league!

Or just say "top" teams
Peer comment(s):

neutral Francis Lee (X) : Could be confused with the English "First Division" (= 3. Liga)/ @ Diana: The Premiership bzw. The Championship - all renamed in recent years for marketing purposes ;-( // "top-flight" is an objective term and says EVERYTHING about the league they play in
7 mins
neutral Diana Loos : This would have been my answer too until I read Francis' comment. If 3. Liga = First Division, what is 1. and 2. Liga? (I really want to know...!)
36 mins
neutral TonyTK : Diana, if you have a sister named Rebecca, ask her. She might know (g, d & r.)
41 mins
agree Claudia Tomaschek : Francis answer is not correct. Barclays Premiership is what used to be the 1st division, former 3rd and 4th divisions are now League one and Two. I translated several Football Managers. Either 1st division or Bundesliga are the only correct answers.
1 hr
neutral Steffen Walter : @ Claudia - you cannot simply apply the English concepts to the German Bundesliga model. More info at http://www.bundesliga.de :-)
2 hrs
neutral Cilian O'Tuama : there are less ambiguous ways of saying it
12 hrs
Something went wrong...
4 hrs

Another opinion

Well seeing as everyone else has headed off at a tangent ...
A) Any self-respecting British football fan definitely would know what the Bundesliga is just as they are familiar with the top divisions in Italy and Spain. France and Portugal are probably slightly less well known but there are plenty of people familiar with those leagues as well (especially considering Monsieur A Wenger's recruiting policies)
B) Having said that, the argument about 1. and 2. Bundesliga is irrelevant since, as I have said above, to the vast majority of UK football followers Bundesliga = the top division in Germany
Peer comment(s):

agree Claudia Tomaschek : Top-flight answer. When I studied in Reading everyone knew the Bundesliga and me Schalke!
14 mins
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3 hrs

In support of Francis

It's probably a bit of a stretch to assume most British soccer fans have heard of the Bundesliga. The Serie A maybe, but the Bundesliga …?

The whole set-up is so confusing nowadays, particularly in the UK –

Barclays Premiership, Coca-Cola Championship, Coca-Cola League One … (football)
Scottish Premier League (football)
Scottish Premiership (rugby union)
Super League (rugby league)

- that it's perhaps wise to use something general but instantly understandable like "top-flight (German soccer) teams".

Apropos sports in general, and rugby in particular, we're heading for a historic sporting occasion this weekend, when a sold-out 82,000-capacity Croke Park stadium will host the Six Nations rugby union match between Ireland and France – the first time a non-Gaelic sport has ever been played at the magnificent venue.

A week later the England rugby team will be running out on to the pitch – which is nothing short of astounding considering the history of Croke Park.

Note added at 5 Stunden (2007-02-08 18:22:14 GMT)

My impression is that English soccer fans only know the foreign teams (and leagues) they see on the telly - IOW the top Spanish and Italian teams.

They'd never put the Bundesliga on English telly, surely? Unless it was for people who had trouble sleeping. Like watching England, it'd help them to doze off ...
Peer comment(s):

agree Francis Lee (X) : That last remark summat to do with Easter 1916 etc.?
1 hr
Bloody Sunday, 1920
neutral Lancashireman : Oh, I was forgetting the 'rugger' types! Extreme fans of this eccentric variation (played with an elongated ball) use the term 'soccer' to affect lofty disdain. Webb Ellis should have been expelled for cheating.
1 hr
England 42 - 20 Scotland (rugby); England 0 - 1 Spain (soccer); %&!?$!! (cricket)
agree Cilian O'Tuama : an agreeable contribution - so you take an interest in bog history?
8 hrs
Some of my best friends are ...
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7 mins

top-flight teams

Definitely the term used.

Loads of examples on the Net, e.g.:

Note added at 9 mins (2007-02-08 13:12:22 GMT)

And just for you, Rebecca:

DW-WORLD.DE gives you up-dated profiles of all 18 German top flight teams.

Note added at 1 hr (2007-02-08 14:50:21 GMT)

@ DHPete:
Of course the reference to Germany would be in there somewhere! I thought that went without saying.
See my second link, but the best way would probably be e.g. "top-flight football teams from Germany". If this article is about Dubai, not everyone can be expected to know what the Bundesliga even is - and if it is mentioned beforehand, then there's no need to mention it or Germany again ...

Note added at 2 hrs (2007-02-08 15:19:29 GMT)

Hmmm ... looks like Claudia T's out of her league here (no pun intended!)
And I have no idea why she thinks the article is addressing Dubai football fans either ...

Note added at 4 hrs (2007-02-08 17:21:38 GMT)

To Claudia's defence (although in her own interests she really does need to remove that Disagree): she may well have been misled by the various E->D dictionary translations for "top-flight", e.g. Spitzen- or "prima".
But it's part and parcel of UK football-speak.

Note added at 7 hrs (2007-02-08 20:13:40 GMT)

And now that Claudia's misinterpretation of "top-flight" has been resolved (ahem):
"top-flight" + "football" out-Googles "top-division" + "football" by a good 4-5 to 1, and there's a good reason for that ...

Note added at 4 days (2007-02-13 08:21:22 GMT) Post-grading

I dunno ... after all those references and all that effort ... ;-(
Plus I got more native-speaker Agrees!
Peer comment(s):

agree Lancashireman : 'Division One' may be the 'official' name but I still call it the 'Third Division'. Most English fans make an automatic distinction between the cardinal and ordinal numerals in this context.
6 mins
Care to correct Claudia?
agree Claire Cox
14 mins
agree TonyTK : ... although describing Hamburger SV as a "top-flight" team might get you into trouble with the Trade Descriptions Act. // Who's the fat bloke in the City strip?
41 mins
Yes, apparently Keegan's being recalled to the first team ... (which at least keeps him away from management)/ Watch out - perhaps you remember me giving so-called "hard man" Norman Hunter a couple of knocks: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QuEP27ff6Qc
agree Steffen Walter : @ Claudia - this is plain wrong -> see http://www.bundesliga.de
2 hrs
Thanks to the cavalry!
neutral Peter Barker : You didn't play for Man City many years ago did you, Francis? ;-) I'm a Holte End season ticket holder! Just goes to show - the best answers are from 2 Villa fans!
3 hrs
Just don't call me "Franny" ...
agree vic voskuil : @Claudia: try the following for a google and then reconsider that disagree: "watford * in the top-flight".....
3 hrs
Ta. And "top-flight" does have such a flatteringly nice ring to it (says this A. Villa fan)
agree Cilian O'Tuama : especially in this context, top-flight can only mean this. (was looking for a reason to disagree, y'know, CL5 and all that , but you win (this time)) ;-)
12 hrs
Y'know I'd do the same, Cilian ;-) But I only post a CL5 in 1 in 100 questions (if that)
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