Glossary entry

German term or phrase:

Urlaub mit Herz

English translation:

Holidays for Heart and Soul

    The asker opted for community grading. The question was closed on 2013-04-12 08:54:08 based on peer agreement (or, if there were too few peer comments, asker preference.)
Apr 8, 2013 14:10
11 yrs ago
5 viewers *
German term

Urlaub mit Herz

German to English Marketing Tourism & Travel slogan for restaurant
I've been given this text to correct, the only problem is finding a good slogan.

The client had translated it as "A hearty holiday" which I don't like at all.

Suggestions welcome!
Change log

Apr 8, 2013 15:29: Steffen Walter changed "Field" from "Other" to "Marketing"


Alexandra Speirs (asker) Apr 9, 2013:
good work all And it was a pleasure to exchange ideas with you all. I usually work from Italian into English and only rarely have anything from French or German.
Eleanore Strauss Apr 9, 2013:
Thank you Alexandra... As indicated, that was a very fast, spontaneous response. There were really a lot of good ideas here, that show you just how personal and creative language can be. That's why I love my work.
Alexandra Speirs (asker) Apr 9, 2013:
thanks all Thanks to all, this is the liveliest discussion I've provoked on any of my questions! I have no idea why they are combining restaurant offers with classic car events, anything to bring in tourists I suppose. The Italian crisis is felt in Sudtirol too! Anyway, I gave them a choice of 2 slogans, one with and one without the heart, so it's out of my hands now. It's a pity I can't split the points.
oa_xxx (X) Apr 8, 2013:
Could you please provide a lot more context! This makes absolutely no sense to me whatsoever, why is a restaurant using the word Urlaub/holiday at all?? What on earth are they trying to get across, what are they selling, what has it got to do with holidays (I mean yes of course people go to restaurants on their holidays but a slogan with the word holiday would only apply imo to hotels/guesthouses not restaurants, are no locals allowed?), and what is their connection with the vintage car rally? Are they offering some deal during the rally, is the slogan only targeting people going to the rally and not for general use?
Ramey Rieger (X) Apr 8, 2013:
Heartland of Tirol
Johanna Timm, PhD Apr 8, 2013:
Herz Der offizielle Werbeslogan für das Land Tirol lautet “Herz der Alpen”, und die gesamte Fremdenverkehrsbranche hat sich dies offenbar zu Herzen genommen :-) (google Tirol + Herz)
writeaway Apr 8, 2013:
imo marketing slogans /catchphrases are tricky but they are nearly impossible to come up with without seeing the entire (con)text. The only person who doesn't have to take stabs at it is the Asker who can actually see the text it all refers to. all anyone else can do is give it a shot and hope asker likes it. guesswork at best.......
Eleanore Strauss Apr 8, 2013:
a holiday that makes your heart race could be construed as dangerous...:)
Eleanore Strauss Apr 8, 2013:
Actually, given that this is South Tirol, the reference to hearty fare would be perfectly's the combination with holiday that throws it off.
David Friemann, MA Apr 8, 2013:
see my comment below...way to go, Alexandra!
Alexandra Reuer Apr 8, 2013:
Holidays that make your heart race! :-D
David Friemann, MA Apr 8, 2013:
including those two vital informations (it's for a restaurant and it's tied up with a vintage car rally) in your question might have contributed to some great suggestions.
Alexandra Speirs (asker) Apr 8, 2013:
Just in case the client is putting a heart somewhere I'm going to propose 2 alternatives. I won't insist on the scrumptious cooking (sorry!) because the whole thing is tied up with a vintage car rally, just to add to the fun.
Alexandra Reuer Apr 8, 2013:
Scrumptious Holidays See note in my answer.
Alexandra Speirs (asker) Apr 8, 2013:
No love or hearts involved, they just say how nicely they treat the guests! -
Wir verzaubern jeden mit atemberaubenden Panoramen, herzlicher Betreuung und bester Küche
Alexandra Reuer Apr 8, 2013:
Hertz The car rental company is spelled with a "t" anyway ;-)...
Alexandra Speirs (asker) Apr 8, 2013:
not Herz rent-a-car, just a restaurant in South Tyrol
Javier Munoz Apr 8, 2013:
Ist "Herz" die Mitwagenfirma??
Alexandra Reuer Apr 8, 2013:
Hi Alexandra, has this actually got anything to do with love (or does the client sport a heart in their logo or something?), or is it literally just a kind of "bla" phrase?
Mariana Rohlig Sa Apr 8, 2013:
bezieht sich das "mit Herz" auf herzhaft (i.e. ein Restaurant mit herzhafter Küche)? Dann würde "harty" schon passen. Oder ist es im Sinne von "liebevoll" oder "romantisch"?

Proposed translations

22 mins

Holidays for Heart and Soul

Note from asker:
Thanks, that would include the heart!
Peer comment(s):

agree Eleanore Strauss : I really like this one. It covers the restaurant, the feeling and everything else. And it has a certain elegance. The soul being extended to the taste buds...:)
42 mins
Thank you, ElliCom! :-)
agree oa_xxx (X)
8 hrs
Thank you, orla! :-)
agree Inna Edsall
13 hrs
Thank you, Inna! :-)
agree Trude Stegmann : with ElliCom...
15 hrs
Thank you, Trude! :-)
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "This is the one I used, considering also the many favourable comments it received. And it includes the heart idea without being too tacky. Thanks again to everyone."
5 mins

A holiday with feeling

that's what comes to mind spontaneously...
or, taking it a bit further, a feel-good holiday, or a holiday with warmth.... Using the term 'heart' makes it a bit tacky in English.
Note from asker:
Thanks, nice!
I like this one, it's short and to the point. I offered it as an alternative version without the heart. I wish I could split the Kudos.
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7 mins

Unbeatable Holidays! / Love your Holidays

Depending on whether we're looking at a catch-all phrase or whether it's actually got anything to do with romance?!

Note added at 17 mins (2013-04-08 14:27:56 GMT)

Considering what you just said (that we're talking about a restaurant), another idea might be "Scrumptious Holidays" (can mean "fabelhaft" und "lecker")!
Note from asker:
Peer comment(s):

agree Agius Language & Translation : I like 'unbeatable'
12 mins
Thank you!
agree David Friemann, MA : scrumptious is really good!
13 mins
Thanks very much David!
agree Javier Munoz
17 mins
Thanks Javier!
neutral Eleanore Strauss : scrumptious is too narrow, if you're not referring just to the foodie experience.
56 mins
Something went wrong...
34 mins

Your dream holiday

"Scrumptious" is OK for a restaurant but not for a holiday, IMHO
Note from asker:
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47 mins

A Vacation To Be Relished

Something memorable and worth writing home about..
Note from asker:
Peer comment(s):

agree Wendy Streitparth : Yes, this would suit a restaurant well
3 hrs
Thanks, Wendy.
agree oa_xxx (X) : I like relished but am still confused about why vacation/holiday is in there at all, dont get it for a restaurant!
7 hrs
Well, it is likely that their clientele is primarily made up of vacationers especially if it's attached to a pension or hotel
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2 hrs

Let us pamper you, you're on vacation!

A bit long, yes,, but covers the catalog of content, I think.
Good luck!
Note from asker:
Peer comment(s):

neutral writeaway : lovely but almost nothing to do with German
2 hrs
true, true - I thought I'd offer the free radical! Hope you're well.
Something went wrong...
4 hrs

Classic but not just for veterans!

As writeaway says, a stab in the dark
Note from asker:
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10 hrs

a holiday to warm your heart

No way to cover food, accommodation and adventure, all at once. To "Weltstadt mit Herz" answers "Charm City", "Happy days are here again" became "Wochenend und Sonnenschein", what gives?
Note from asker:
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Reference comments

3 mins

a hearty holiday?

pictures of bratwurst and salted pork legs under the tropical sun come to mind...
Note from asker:
Yes, it made me think of a hearty appetite, which might suit the restaurant very well but it's not what they're trying to get across!
Something went wrong...
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