Jul 14, 2011 15:57
13 yrs ago
9 viewers *
Italian term

viabilità stradale di progetto

Italian to English Law/Patents Construction / Civil Engineering
The term "di progetto" comes up constantly in an appeal case against building irregularities

Am I right in translating "viabilità stradale di progetto"

as "road network in the planning stage"?

Thanks in advance for your comments.


Don Green (asker) Jul 15, 2011:
Sorry, you are perfectly right. The dispute between the company and the Comune di Sarego (Vicenza) regards the distance from the roads of an extension to their building in an industrial zone. The complete paragraph reads: Il P.R.G. vigente classifica la zona come "D1/1 - area produttiva di completamento" mentre prevede "viabilità stradale di progetto" per il mappale 325 di cui sospra (allegati n°4-5); per le distanze dalle strade si fa riferimento al Codice della Strada.
Quotation marks in source text.
EleoE Jul 15, 2011:
More context is needed. The D areas in some PRGs are parks, in others are industrial areas, and so on. Obviously, the word viabilità has different meanings, depending on what kind of area we are talking about. Cannot help without knowing what the area D of your text is referring to or, at least, which municipality we are talking about.
James (Jim) Davis Jul 15, 2011:
Hi DV experienced kudoz posters often give two or three paragraphs of the original Italian text. That way they get really honed in answers. Now I have seen, the half line of context you have given, I am not so sure about my answer, I was imagining something different. PLEASE, just copy and paste a big big chunk of the Italian and put asterisks around the term. The instructions we answerers fought hard for are pretty clear. Please help us to help you.
Don Green (asker) Jul 14, 2011:
More context: Il P.R.G. vigente classifica la zona come "D1/1 .......mentre prevede "viabilità stradale di progetto" per il mappale 325
EleoE Jul 14, 2011:
Yes, viabilità has another meaning here, more context is needed.
philgoddard Jul 14, 2011:
No, it doesn't mean "road network in the planning stage", but you'll have to give us some context before we can help you. What is the full sentence?

Proposed translations

5 hrs

road network layout at the design stage

in alternative..
Peer comment(s):

agree Peter Cox
3 hrs
thank you Peter
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17 hrs

circulation as in the urban development plan

Perlomeno, questo è quanto ho dedotto dal Piano Regolatore Generale che puoi trovare qui: http://www.comune.sarego.vi.it/images/NORME TECNICHE ATTUAZI...
Spero ti sia utile.
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