Glossary entry (derived from question below)
Italian term or phrase:
Polizia Giudiziaria
English translation:
Judicial Police
Added to glossary by
Sarah Ponting
Jun 4, 2002 15:20
22 yrs ago
26 viewers *
Italian term
Italian to English
Da un verbale dei carabinieri:
"Avanti al sottoscritto Ufficiale di P.G. Mar. Ordinario (nome), effettivo all'Ufficio suindicato, si dà atto alla competente A.G...."
"Avanti al sottoscritto Ufficiale di P.G. Mar. Ordinario (nome), effettivo all'Ufficio suindicato, si dà atto alla competente A.G...."
Proposed translations
4 +2 | Judiciary Police |
Francesco D'Alessandro
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4 +1 | C.I.D. - Criminal Investigation Department. |
Rick Henry
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4 | not an answer |
Daniela McKeeby
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4 | judiciary police or criminal investigations unit |
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Proposed translations
9 mins
Judiciary Police
Polizia Giudiziaria
Note added at 2002-06-04 15:31:53 (GMT)
2,160 hits on Google for Judiciary Police... none of course from English-speaking countries. But we\'re in Italy here, aren\'t we?
Note added at 2002-06-04 15:31:53 (GMT)
2,160 hits on Google for Judiciary Police... none of course from English-speaking countries. But we\'re in Italy here, aren\'t we?
3 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "Thanks, Judicial Police sounds like a good option."
45 mins
C.I.D. - Criminal Investigation Department.
Peer comment(s):
agree |
Simon Sobrero
: de Franchis says: vedi (see) polizia investigativa = c.i.d or crime squad
2727 days
51 mins
not an answer
only a long comment:
s.f. police: corpo di -, police force; - giudiziaria, Criminal Investigation Department (abbr. cid); - sanitaria, sanitary inspectors; - segreta, secret police; - stradale, traffic police, (sulle autostrade) motorway police (o amer. highway police); agente, funzionario di -, police officer; agente di - femminile, policewoman; - scientifica, scientific police; - ferroviaria, railway police; - tributaria, revenue police; provvedimenti di -, police measures; auto della -, police car; ispettore di -, police inspector; commissariato, ufficio, posto di -, police station; / stato di -, police state.
agg. (dir.) judicial: assemblea giudiziaria, judicial assembly; potere -, judicial power (o judicial branch); procedimento -, judicial proceedings; sequestro -, judicial attachment; atti giudiziari, judicial acts; carcere -, jail (o prison); vendita giudiziaria, forced sale; asta giudiziaria, auction by Court order; riforma giudiziaria, judicial reform.
s.f. police: corpo di -, police force; - giudiziaria, Criminal Investigation Department (abbr. cid); - sanitaria, sanitary inspectors; - segreta, secret police; - stradale, traffic police, (sulle autostrade) motorway police (o amer. highway police); agente, funzionario di -, police officer; agente di - femminile, policewoman; - scientifica, scientific police; - ferroviaria, railway police; - tributaria, revenue police; provvedimenti di -, police measures; auto della -, police car; ispettore di -, police inspector; commissariato, ufficio, posto di -, police station; / stato di -, police state.
agg. (dir.) judicial: assemblea giudiziaria, judicial assembly; potere -, judicial power (o judicial branch); procedimento -, judicial proceedings; sequestro -, judicial attachment; atti giudiziari, judicial acts; carcere -, jail (o prison); vendita giudiziaria, forced sale; asta giudiziaria, auction by Court order; riforma giudiziaria, judicial reform.
59 mins
judiciary police or criminal investigations unit
It depends on whether you wish to translate form or function. Form (the two words) would be judiciary police; function (what the carabinieri units assigned to "polizia giudiziaria" departments actually do) would be criminal investigations unit.
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