Nov 28, 2003 22:48
21 yrs ago
7 viewers *
Italian term

reato a sfondo sessuale

Italian to English Law/Patents
proposito della proposta di legge al Parlamento n. xxxx con cui si chiede la introduzione
della pena dell’ergastolo per il reato a sfondo sessuale sui minori

sex crime?????

no, I do not think so, or????????

thanks in advance for any suggestions

Proposed translations

21 hrs

sexually related crimes against minors

was jailed for three years earlier this month after pleading guilty to 11 charges of sexually related crimes against two 13-year-old girls.

"....sexually related crimes against children are serious crimes which warrant prosecution and punishment."

Note added at 21 hrs 3 mins (2003-11-29 19:52:28 GMT)

also: sexually related offences against minors.
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "many thanks to ALL of you baci Laura"
14 mins

sex offense

I believe this is it, Laura. Good luck!

Note added at 15 mins (2003-11-28 23:04:37 GMT)

... ha avuto inizio a settembre 2002 ed ha coinvolto nove detenuti del carcere di
Bari, condannati per ***reati a sfondo sessuale, i cosiddetti \'sex offenders\'***. ... - 13k - Cached - Similar pages

Note added at 17 mins (2003-11-28 23:06:44 GMT)

sex offense

NOUN: A sex crime.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition. Copyright © 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by the Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
Peer comment(s):

agree Elena Ghetti : offence, nell'ordinamento anglosassone, non tutti i reati a sfondo sessuale hanno lo status di "crime"
2 mins
thanks, offense (US) or offence (UK)
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2 hrs

child molesting

I think you have to take the "sui minori" into account. There are a lot of variations depending on the precise nature of the crime:

... of child molesting? LINCC SUBJECT HEADINGS: Child Sexual Abuse; Child Abuse; Sexually Abused Children; Adult Child Sexual Abuse Victims; Pedophilia; Sex Crimes ... - 32k - Cached - Similar pages

Criminal Defense Lawyer: Misdemeanor, Felony DUI Attorney: Vista ...
... You will receive top quality representation for a reasonable fee.
Child Molesting Sex Offense Facts. Child molesting sex offenses ... - 33k -
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2 hrs

sexual offence

as in the "Sexual Offences Act 1993". This is the proper legal term. Sex crime is more common parlance, and child molesting is very limited: it does not even take into account the most common sex crime: rape of an adult.
Hope that was helpful.

Note added at 2003-11-29 01:12:55 (GMT)

The phrase could be rendered as follows:
\"with regard to Bill no. xxxxx put before Parliament, with a view to making sexual offences committed against minors, punishable by life imprisonment.\"

Note added at 2003-11-29 01:17:42 (GMT)

example of a sexual offence against a minor that is NOT child molestation: \"defilement\"
Section: 6
Act: Sexual Offences Act 1956
Subject: Defilement

When a man has unlawful sexual intercourse with a girl under the age of 16. If the man is under 24 and has not previously been charged with an offence under this section and he reasonably believes the girl to be 16 has a defence to this charge.
Peer comment(s):

agree Cavina
6 hrs
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2 hrs

sexual abuse

direi così
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11 hrs

for sexual abuse on children

or child sexual abuse

nonprofit working to prevent the sexual abuse of children. Provides consultation when child sexual abuse is suspected.

CASAT is a coalition of community agencies whose mission is to promote maximum recovery from child sexual abuse. Online handbook for children and families.
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11 hrs

sex offences against children/minors

another possibility.
Peer comment(s):

agree manducci
9 hrs
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