Glossary entry (derived from question below)
Italian term or phrase:
allo stato puro
English translation:
the ultimate adrenalin rush
Added to glossary by
Robert Mongiello
Sep 23, 2008 13:18
16 yrs ago
3 viewers *
Italian term
allo stato puro
Italian to English
Mechanics / Mech Engineering
Here's the whole sentence: L’eccezionale maneggevolezza della moto garantisce adrenalina di guida allo stato puro.
Proposed translations
Proposed translations
9 mins
the ultimate adrenalin rush
allo stato puro, lo renderei con "ultimate" (da ricollegarsi alla mia proposta di prima
Note added at 7 giorni (2008-09-30 19:29:06 GMT) Post-grading
Thank you!
Note added at 7 giorni (2008-09-30 19:29:06 GMT) Post-grading
Thank you!
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "thanks"
1 min
try this, if it fits.
3 mins
racing (in context)
"the exceptionally good handling brings the adrenalin racing through you when you ride it"
Doesn't make sense to translate those three words in isolation by themselves.
5 mins
Italian term (edited):
garantisce adrenalina di guida allo stato puro
is pure adrenalin(e)
Too wordy to translate literally - just translate the whole quoted phrase by those three words, and you retain the muscle of the text.
Note added at 5 mins (2008-09-23 13:24:16 GMT)
or "is sheer adrenalin(e)"
Note added at 5 mins (2008-09-23 13:24:16 GMT)
or "is sheer adrenalin(e)"
1 day 5 hrs
pure adrenaline driving
6 days
adrenaline at its pure state
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