Glossary entry

Italian term or phrase:

allo stato puro

English translation:

the ultimate adrenalin rush

Added to glossary by Robert Mongiello
Sep 23, 2008 13:18
16 yrs ago
3 viewers *
Italian term

allo stato puro

Italian to English Tech/Engineering Mechanics / Mech Engineering
Here's the whole sentence: L’eccezionale maneggevolezza della moto garantisce adrenalina di guida allo stato puro.

Proposed translations

9 mins

the ultimate adrenalin rush

allo stato puro, lo renderei con "ultimate" (da ricollegarsi alla mia proposta di prima

Note added at 7 giorni (2008-09-30 19:29:06 GMT) Post-grading

Thank you!
Peer comment(s):

agree Ivana UK : or simply 'guarantees an adrenelin rush'
10 hrs
Thanks Ivana!
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "thanks"
1 min


try this, if it fits.
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3 mins

racing (in context)

"the exceptionally good handling brings the adrenalin racing through you when you ride it"
Doesn't make sense to translate those three words in isolation by themselves.
Peer comment(s):

agree Alessandra Renna : I agree for translating as a whole
4 mins
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5 mins
Italian term (edited): garantisce adrenalina di guida allo stato puro

is pure adrenalin(e)

Too wordy to translate literally - just translate the whole quoted phrase by those three words, and you retain the muscle of the text.

Note added at 5 mins (2008-09-23 13:24:16 GMT)

or "is sheer adrenalin(e)"
Peer comment(s):

agree Alessandra Renna : useful for the glossary
1 min
agree Gian
38 mins
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1 day 5 hrs
6 days

adrenaline at its pure state

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