Glossary entry

Italian term or phrase:


English translation:

ipertrofia prostatica benigna/ English: BPH

Added to glossary by Barbara Cochran, MFA
Sep 30, 2008 16:30
16 yrs ago
28 viewers *
Italian term


Italian to English Medical Medical (general) Market Research Response
A doctor's open-ended response on a market research survey.


"Associo il termine che cura **l'IBP.""

Grazie mille!

Change log

Oct 5, 2008 13:39: Barbara Cochran, MFA Created KOG entry


Barbara Cochran, MFA (asker) Sep 30, 2008:
Buon Giorno, André. Mi dispiace, a tutti. La forma giusta e' "IPB."
André Barros Sep 30, 2008:
Qual è la forma giusta: IPB o IBP?

Proposed translations

17 mins

ipertrofia prostatica benigna/ English: BPH

In english: benigh prostatic hyperplasia/ enlarged prostate
Peer comment(s):

agree Joseph Tein : This looks right on when I check it on Google.
9 mins
agree AeC2009 : If I looked into my medical file I would find the answer...
13 mins
agree André Barros
15 mins
agree Lirka
2 hrs
agree Gabriella Maldonado
5 hrs
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Grazie Mille!"
12 mins

Invasive Blood Pressure

Given the context I think it should be the proper answer...
Peer comment(s):

disagree imane stanton : yes but to my understanding the source text is in italian
5 mins
disagree Joseph Tein : Agree with imane. The source is in Italian, you need to explain the abbreviation and THEN translate into English. Also, 'invasive blood pressure' doesn't sound like any common medical term that I've seen used in the literature.
11 mins
Sorry, I read IBP..., I apologize...
Something went wrong...
4125 days


Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) è la traduzione letterale di Iperplasia Prostatica Benigna che è anche sinonimo di Ipertrofia Prostatica Benigna
Example sentence:

Ormai è scientificamente provato che alcuni fattori come la dieta, o fattori ambientali, influenzano positivamente o negativamente la salute e l’ingrossamento della prostata. A volte può essere anche confuso con ipertrofia prostatica benigna oppure IP

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