Glossary entry

Italian term or phrase:

per eccesso/per difetto

English translation:

Rounding up and down.

Added to glossary by Massimo Gaido
May 29, 2003 16:16
21 yrs ago
12 viewers *
Italian term

per eccesso/per difetto

Non-PRO Italian to English Other
arrotondare (to round off) un numero per eccesso/per difetto
Proposed translations (English)
5 +7 Rounding up and down.
5 +1 rounding down or rounding off and rounding up

Proposed translations

6 mins

Rounding up and down.


Note added at 2003-05-29 16:22:50 (GMT)


Rounding up and down

Sometimes we don\'t need to be exact in numbers and we have to make sensible measurements.
If you were to measure the length of a field you might not be interested in the number of centimetres, only how long it is in metres.

For example: a school playing field is 60.35m long. This means that it is 60m and 35cm long: the 35cm does not really count here.

If you were asked how long is it to the nearest metre you would say 60m.


We often round to the nearest ten, hundred or thousand depending upon what we are measuring.
How do we know whether to round up or down?

This is the easy bit.

if the last number is 5 or above we round up

If the last number is less than 5 we round down

Here are some examples
Peer comment(s):

agree Cecilia Di Vita
2 mins
agree Sarah Ponting
3 mins
agree Ino66 (X)
8 mins
agree Andreina Baiano
15 mins
agree Clorinda
50 mins
agree Giusi Pasi
6 hrs
agree Gian
14 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "grazie a tutti"
6 mins

rounding down or rounding off and rounding up

rounding down and rounding off sono sinonimi per arrotondamento per difetto.
Picchi, Dizionario Economico
Peer comment(s):

agree Ino66 (X)
7 mins
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