Jul 5, 2001 17:36
23 yrs ago
Italian term


Non-PRO Italian to English Tech/Engineering
not really familiar with the italian language
Proposed translations (English)
0 +1 girl or girlfriend
0 +1 maid
0 gal, broad, bird...

Proposed translations

7 mins

girl or girlfriend

it may mean simply 'a girl'

it also means 'girlfriend', as 'ragazza' in Italian is the 'fiancee'
Peer comment(s):

agree DR. RICHARD BAVRY (X) : The question is, how did this "ragazza" get into the tech/engineering category?
11 mins
perhaps she is an engineer...
agree Peter Cox : OK! could also be "young woman"
3 hrs
disagree Flavio Ferri-Benedetti : Giovanni non evirare gli altri interventi, sono tutti validi in assenza di contesto
1 day 17 hrs
Something went wrong...
3 hrs

gal, broad, bird...

It really depends on the context! This is an appeal to EVERYBODY!!! Please, give us a context!

Peer comment(s):

disagree Giovanni Guarnieri MITI, MIL : maybe we should stick to the more "classical" definitions of the term...
5 hrs
That is exactly my point! If we are not given the context, how can we help?
agree DR. RICHARD BAVRY (X) : maybe "una ragazza cattiva"? ;>)
14 hrs
Something went wrong...
5 hrs


Maid of Orleans = La pulzella di Orleans

nel senso di fanciulla, ma anche zitella, e cameriera ...


Peer comment(s):

agree Giovanni Guarnieri MITI, MIL : disagree. Anusca, questa è una delle interpretazioni più fantasiose in cui mi sia mai imbattuto!
4 hrs
Giovanni, oggi mi girava così! Tedesco Mädchen! Tieni presente che non sappiamo cosa sta traducendo! Sono tutte possib
Something went wrong...
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