Oct 10, 2003 11:48
21 yrs ago
1 viewer *
Russian term

Proposed translations

10 mins

established under the Laws (Legislation)

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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
5 mins

established in accordance...

established in accordance with relevant legislation of the Russian Federation
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6 mins

established in accordance with the laws of the RF

Peer comment(s):

agree Dmitry Avdeev : exactly! :)
9 mins
agree GaryG
23 mins
agree Jack Doughty
1 hr
agree nrabate : Absolutely!
1 hr
agree Iouri Belooussov
5 hrs
agree artyan
2 days 16 hrs
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10 mins

constituted according to the legislation

Но что-то мне подсказывает, что это сильно дословно...
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10 mins

established under the Laws (Legislation)

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11 mins

incorporated in accordance with the relevant legislation of the Russian Federation

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39 mins

founded in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation

Another option. Hope it helps. Good luck, Maria!
Re.: Русско-английский внешнеторговый и внешнеэкономический словарь, «Русский язык», 1991, Russian-English Foreign Trade and Foreign Economic Dictionary, 1991, ISBN 5-200-01097-7 Commercial and Financial Dictionary French-English-Russian, ISBN 5-900455-55-6 Encyclopedic Dictionary of Businessmen (Ru-Fr-Ger-Eng-Pol), Энциклопедический словарь бизнесмена, ISBN 5-335-01123-8
The rest of the synonyms to close the subject: 'set up/ formed/ instituted (never heard but is in my dico)/ started/ built up'.
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39 mins
Russian term (edited): ��������� � ������������ � ����������������


a company incorporated pursuant to the laws of XXXX


Note added at 42 mins (2003-10-10 12:30:15 GMT)

or a company incorporated pursuant to the Companies Act of XXX


Note added at 44 mins (2003-10-10 12:33:01 GMT)

To grant a power of attorney on behalf of a company incorporated pursuant to the laws of the States of New York, New Jersey or Connecticut, its legal representative shall fill out an application and present the following documents:

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1 hr

... Limited Liability Company, a legal entity created according to the law of the Russian Federation

ООО...,юридическое лицо, созданное в соответствии с законодательством Российской Федерации, далее именуемое «Покупатель»

... a legal entity created according to the law of the Russian Federation, henceforth referred to as the 'Purchaser'
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