May 27, 2005 12:52
19 yrs ago
Russian term

пятно (в контексте)

Russian to English Art/Literary Poetry & Literature children's literature
- Смотри, вон там растут три березы, видишь? - она тыкала пальцем в голубое пятно впереди.

Время происходит ночью, поэтому белые березы виднеются в виде расплывчатого пятна. Spot сюда как-то не вписывается, так что я пока употребил shadow, хотя это тоже как-то не очень... Blotch, быть может? Не уверен.

“Look, the three birches are over there, see?” she said pointing towards a bluish shadow ahead of them.

Proposed translations

7 mins
Russian term (edited): ���� (� ���������)


Может shape?

Note added at 10 mins (2005-05-27 13:03:21 GMT)

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I looked down the river, and all I could see was this **bluish shape** running down the river. There was no way I could catch up to it. ...
Peer comment(s):

agree Jack Doughty
41 mins
Thank you!
agree sergey (X)
1 hr
agree Dorene Cornwell
2 hrs
Thank you!
agree TransRussian
3 hrs
agree tanyazst
20 hrs
agree gtreyger (X)
1 day 14 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you for your help Vladimir! Thanks everybody!"
2 mins
Russian term (edited): ���� (� ���������)


или shape

Note added at 2 mins (2005-05-27 12:55:36 GMT)

bluish blotch - аллитерация хорошая, совсем по-английски звучит :-)
Peer comment(s):

agree TransRussian : sorry, ja imela vvidu Vash vtoroy variant s SHAPE
3 hrs
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8 mins
Russian term (edited): ���� (� ���������)


поскольку расплывчатое, то м.б. blur
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5 mins
Russian term (edited): ���� (� ���������)



Note added at 12 mins (2005-05-27 13:05:07 GMT)

Примеров много...
\"Sure enough, there was a bluish blur where the sky was, a greenish blur where the trees were, a pinkish blur where the house was, and a greyish blur where the sidewalk and street were.\"
Peer comment(s):

agree tanyazst
20 hrs
Thanks :)
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25 mins
Russian term (edited): ���� (� ���������)

blur of a shadow

He is far off, he is very far off, he is a blur of a shadow against the setting
sun,. He is ragged, clearly and slow and there is a touch of shame and ...

So what was a blur of a shadow catching my eye suddenly became this woman.
She was exactly as you described, right down to the blue frock. ...

Хотя я и не уверен.
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4 hrs
Russian term (edited): ���� (� ���������)


tested on native speaker
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