Glossary entry

Spanish term or phrase:

se acordó refundir en un solo texto

English translation:

it was agreed to merge into one text

Added to glossary by Yvonne Becker
Oct 20, 2006 02:12
18 yrs ago
3 viewers *
Spanish term

se acordó refundir en un solo texto

Spanish to English Bus/Financial Business/Commerce (general)
En un documento constiti¡utivo:

"Como consecuencia de la presente resolución, **se acordó refundir en un solo texto** los Estatutos Sociales los cuales quedaron redactados de la siguiente forma:.."

Proposed translations

7 mins

it was agreed to merge into one text

Peer comment(s):

agree Silvia Brandon-Pérez : Me parece que el refundir es 'merge'
2 hrs
saludos Silvia y gracias!
agree uxia90 : Para mí también.
5 hrs
gracias uxia
agree Maria Garcia
7 hrs
gracia Maria
agree Marcelo González
15 hrs
muchas gracias Marcelo!
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Muchas gracias"
5 mins

it was agreed to review under one text

Something went wrong...
4 mins

it was agreed to include ( ) in one document only

se acordó refundir en un solo texto los Estatutos Sociales los cuales = it was agreed to include the Corporate Bylaws in one document only, which

Note added at 5 minutos (2006-10-20 02:18:39 GMT)

Otras opciones: merge into, re-write, re-formulate, etc.
Peer comment(s):

agree Patrick Weill
2378 days
Gracias, Patrick.
Something went wrong...
42 mins

it was agreed to rewrite the bylaws in one consolidated text

refundir= rewrite
Peer comment(s):

agree Graciela Guzman : agree. Also Espasa Calpe
22 mins
¡Gracias Graciela!
Something went wrong...
2 hrs

the parties agreed to revise and consolidate (the charter) into one text

'it was agreed'...although common, can also be reworded in this way. I feel that a good translation of 'refundir' is to consolidate, revise and merge.
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