Glossary entry

Spanish term or phrase:

prestación de servicios

English translation:

rendering or providing services

Added to glossary by Andrea Bullrich
Feb 9, 2002 04:31
23 yrs ago
5 viewers *
Spanish term

´prestación de servicios

Spanish to English Law/Patents
Texto legal.

Proposed translations

15 mins

rendering or providing services

It's usually rendering services or service rendering, but more context (at least a sentence) would be needed to know how to word it properly.

Peer comment(s):

agree Parrot : in the context of servicios, es que no hay otra...
1 min
Gracias, Cecilia :-)
agree Sery : Así es!!
37 mins
agree MJ Barber
4 hrs
agree Virginia Ledesma Tovar : a mi me gusta más rendering of services pero depende del contexto.
5 hrs
agree AnneM (X) : I agree with Virginia
6 hrs
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you, Luisa"
31 mins

provision of services - service delivery

Dos opciones, ambas válidas.
Peer comment(s):

agree Hazel Whiteley : agree with "provision of services"
4 hrs
Gracias, Hazel
agree RSI EN-ES (AA) : provision 1.Act of supplying or fitting out.
13 hrs
Something went wrong...
7 hrs

rendering of services

that´s it

own experience

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