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Poll: How many different CAT tools do you use on a regular basis?
Thread poster: Staff Staff Staff
Jun 19, 2012

This forum topic is for the discussion of the poll question "How many different CAT tools do you use on a regular basis?".

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Mary Worby
Mary Worby  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 03:19
German to English
+ ...
1 Jun 19, 2012

I have one (Trados) that I use on a regular basis, by which I mean virtually permanently. I also have a couple of others, including MemoQ and customer-specific tools, which I use at most sporadically when required to do so. I also have Transit which I was given by a customer but have never actually used.

Charlie Bavington
Charlie Bavington  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:19
French to English
Answered... Jun 19, 2012

... on the understanding that regular should never be confused with frequent

John Cutler
John Cutler  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:19
Spanish to English
+ ...
One's enough Jun 19, 2012

I always work with Wordfast. Some clients ask for TRADOS but will settle for receiving a .tmx file, which Wordfast can produce.

Local time: 04:19
Spanish to English
+ ...
Depends Jun 19, 2012

If you count CD dictionaries, I use 3 of those, as well as Wordfast and 2 MT programs, although one of them (Systran) I hardly ever use nowadays.

So it could be 2, 3 or 5 or 6, depending on how you define it. Sorry if that wasn't very helpful, but hey - that's life!

inkweaver  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:19
French to German
+ ...
2 Jun 19, 2012

My preferred CAT tool is MemoQ but I also use Trados Studio for a regular client.
I also own Wordfast Pro but haven't used it for about two years.

Alexandra Speirs
Alexandra Speirs  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:19
Italian to English
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one, in two versions Jun 19, 2012

Usually Trados working in Word, occasionally in Tag Editor.

But one agency sends me all their jobs as Studio projects, so I use that too, but less frequently.

Michael Harris
Michael Harris  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:19
Member (2006)
German to English
2 Jun 19, 2012

on a regular basis, Trados 2007 / 2011 and Across 5.0.

I also use customer-specific online programmes when requested. Normally they are less user friendly, but regular custmers ... and why not, keeps me fit.

David Young (X)
David Young (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:19
Danish to English
1 Jun 19, 2012

I have tried Wordfast and been tempted by Trados but have settled for OmegaT. It's simple to use and has a friendly user group with very fast response time for help with issues. It's open-source, so nominally free, but I give a regular donation. Also produces tmx files compatible with Trados. Does everything I have required so far and when I get to know a piece of software and learn how to tweak it, I find it difficult to change, especially with the prices nowadays.
I also have a subsc
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I have tried Wordfast and been tempted by Trados but have settled for OmegaT. It's simple to use and has a friendly user group with very fast response time for help with issues. It's open-source, so nominally free, but I give a regular donation. Also produces tmx files compatible with Trados. Does everything I have required so far and when I get to know a piece of software and learn how to tweak it, I find it difficult to change, especially with the prices nowadays.
I also have a subscription to an online dictionary, but I don't regard that as a CAT tool.

Paula Hernández
Paula Hernández
United Kingdom
Local time: 03:19
English to Spanish
+ ...
On a regular basis... Jun 19, 2012

I use two: MemoQ and Trados. Usually Trados when the client asks for it and MemoQ when I can chose.

On the other hand, I have a couple more for specific clients, so I only use those when working with them.

Mario Chavez (X)
Mario Chavez (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:19
English to Spanish
+ ...
Frequently vs On a regular basis Jun 19, 2012

Charlie Bavington wrote:

... on the understanding that regular should never be confused with frequent

Good catch! Blame it on American (lazy) English.

Mario Chavez (X)
Mario Chavez (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:19
English to Spanish
+ ...
Deja Vu X and X2 Pro Jun 19, 2012

I use Deja Vu X 7.5 Pro and Deja Vu X2 Pro with very good results overall. I do have SDL Trados Studio 2009 but I haven't had to use it in more than 7 months. Needless to say, I won't be upgrading to Studio 2011 as I have focused more on open standards such as TMX instead of TTX.

I never used Wordfast but I don't particularly care for it, since I like to work with the native document's formatting.

Elizabeth Faracini
Elizabeth Faracini  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 22:19
Member (2010)
Italian to English
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Wordfast and memoQ Jun 19, 2012

I have used Wordfast for many years and have always been satisfied with it, so that is the tool I use on a daily basis for almost all projects. However, about a year ago I began using memoQ as well for a client who requested it, and who also provided me with the license and a basic training course. So now I use memoQ quite regularly as well, although I still prefer Wordfast.

This is probably just because I am more familiar with it.

Nicole Schnell
Nicole Schnell  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 19:19
English to German
+ ...
In memoriam
@Mario Chavez: What catch? Jun 19, 2012

Mario Chavez wrote:

Charlie Bavington wrote:

... on the understanding that regular should never be confused with frequent

Good catch! Blame it on American (lazy) English.

So far, none of the posters have confused those terms, and what does it have to do with American English? How come, that you call American English "lazy"?

Back to the question:

Three, Idiom, SDLX and some proprietary software by a new client, and only if I am required to do so. Preferably: None.

David Hayes
David Hayes  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:19
French to English
2 Jun 19, 2012

I use 2 CAT tools almost every day: Trados (because most agencies seem to require it) and Transit (because one agency in particular requires it). Given the choice, I probably wouldn't use CAT tools at all except for the most repetitious texts. Mind you, they are handy for preserving the formatting of source documents.

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Poll: How many different CAT tools do you use on a regular basis?

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