Powwow Report for Royaume-Uni - Edinburgh (Jul 5 2014)

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Report from  Julian Wagstaff
The 4th annual Edinburgh Translators' summer barbecue took place on Saturday 5 July 2014 on Bruntsfield Links. The event was organised by Julian Wagstaff, aided superbly by Matt Beeston, Becky Hendry and Ely Wapler.

The weather was much better than expected, with plenty of sunshine and just a few drops of rain. 24 people in total attended the event over the course of the afternoon, with the 'hard core' of party-goers heading back to Julian's flat to watch the Argentina-Belgium world cup match on television.

Thanks to the generosity of all involved, there was more than enough food and drink to go round, and a merry time was had, with new contacts and new friends made.

We are all looking forward to the next translators' 'pub night' in the autumn.



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ProZ.com users and members who attended
: organizer : photos : report : host
Jacqueline McKay (X)
Rebecca Hendry
Graeme High
Matthew Beeston (X)
Barbara Canton
Eleonore Wapler
Paul Harrison MITI
Kristel Kooijman
Julian Wagstaff
Miranda Stewart
Karin Bosshard
Cesar Ayala
Maryse Larousse
David MacKintosh
Ayla Pariyar
Yueshi Gu

Postings from ProZians who attended this event

Jul 15 '14  : Thanks to everyone
and to the organisers in particular!
I had an excellent time and greatly enjoyed the relaxed and open atmosphere. I hope to see many of you again soon!
Jul 7 '14  AnnaHeber: Thanks to everyone
and to the organisers in particular!
I had an excellent time and greatly enjoyed the relaxed and open atmosphere. I hope to see many of you again soon!