Glossary entry (derived from question below)
English term or phrase:
Spanish translation:
Jul 13, 2001 07:15
23 yrs ago
36 viewers *
English term
English to Spanish
(Computer science)
Provide Host Utilization Capacity Snapshot.
Thank you. (Pls cite the source if possible).
Provide Host Utilization Capacity Snapshot.
Thank you. (Pls cite the source if possible).
Proposed translations
Proposed translations
8 mins
Microsoft Public Glossaries
ODBC static cursors required for snapshot support.,,Se requieren cursores estáticos de ODBC para el soporte de instantáneas.,,TXT,Windows,PhotoDraw,2
Do you want to always maintain a snapshot of your publication at the Distributor?,,¿Desea mantener siempre una instantánea de su publicación en el distribuidor?,,TXB,WinNT,SQL Server,7
"Registry Snapshot",,"Instantánea del registro",,TXT,,WinNT,Windows 2000,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Espero que te sirva.
ODBC static cursors required for snapshot support.,,Se requieren cursores estáticos de ODBC para el soporte de instantáneas.,,TXT,Windows,PhotoDraw,2
Do you want to always maintain a snapshot of your publication at the Distributor?,,¿Desea mantener siempre una instantánea de su publicación en el distribuidor?,,TXB,WinNT,SQL Server,7
"Registry Snapshot",,"Instantánea del registro",,TXT,,WinNT,Windows 2000,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Espero que te sirva.
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "Mil gracias a todos por su colaboración. Esta es la respuesta que más se adapta a este texto."
12 mins
la respuesta anterior es correcta. También se usa la misma traducción en ámbito publicitario y en fotografía
Dic. de t�rminos de marketing, publicidad y medios de comunicaci�n de Miguel Angel Campos
2 hrs
Las repuestas anterioresson correctas. También podrías utilizar "fotografía"
1 day 4 hrs
tomo fotográfico al instante
or foto al instante
Source: Oceano Dictionary on CD
Source: Oceano Dictionary on CD
1 day 4 hrs
trazado instantáneo, trazado dinámico
Here's what I found at EuroDicAutom:
English Term: snapshot program; snapshot; snapshot trace program
Definition: a trace program that produces output data only for selected instructions or for selected conditions
Reference: ISO/IS 2382/VII
Spanish Term: programa trazador instantáneo
Reference: Andrés Magaña, Ingeniero Industrial
English Term: snapshot dump
Definition: a dynamic dump of the contents of one or more specified storage areas.(1)A dynamic partial printout during computing at breakpoints and checkpoints,or selected items in storage(2)
Reference: ISO/IS 2382/VII(1); Sippl:Data Comm.Dict.(2)
Spanish Term: vaciado dinámico selectivo
Reference: Andrés Magaña, Ingeniero Industrial
English Term: dump; storage snapshot
Definition: data that have been dumped
Reference: ISO 2382-7:1977, Information processing systems: Computer programming
Note: {DOM} Data processing:Software:Programming techniques; see also to dump
Spanish Term: vaciado; vaciado de memoria
Reference: Dicc encic de términos técnicos,Collazo,McGraw-Hill,1985
Hope that helps! ¡Suerte!
English Term: snapshot program; snapshot; snapshot trace program
Definition: a trace program that produces output data only for selected instructions or for selected conditions
Reference: ISO/IS 2382/VII
Spanish Term: programa trazador instantáneo
Reference: Andrés Magaña, Ingeniero Industrial
English Term: snapshot dump
Definition: a dynamic dump of the contents of one or more specified storage areas.(1)A dynamic partial printout during computing at breakpoints and checkpoints,or selected items in storage(2)
Reference: ISO/IS 2382/VII(1); Sippl:Data Comm.Dict.(2)
Spanish Term: vaciado dinámico selectivo
Reference: Andrés Magaña, Ingeniero Industrial
English Term: dump; storage snapshot
Definition: data that have been dumped
Reference: ISO 2382-7:1977, Information processing systems: Computer programming
Note: {DOM} Data processing:Software:Programming techniques; see also to dump
Spanish Term: vaciado; vaciado de memoria
Reference: Dicc encic de términos técnicos,Collazo,McGraw-Hill,1985
Hope that helps! ¡Suerte!
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