Jan 2, 2013 16:43
12 yrs ago
14 viewers *
French term

insuffisant cardiaque

French to English Medical Medical (general) Alzheimer antibody
Good evening everyone, I hope you're all having an amazing start to 2013. I'm translating an investor brochure for a company that is developing antibody-based Alzheimer drugs. CONTEXT:

"Insuffisants cardiaques : contrairement à d'autres traitements basés sur une approche similaire, *** *** ne devrait poser aucun danger particulier pour l'insuffisant cardiaque. La structure de la protéine réduit fortement la probabilité de mimétisme antigénique avec le système cardiovasculaire."

I've thought of "patients with cardiac failure", but my client has requested that I use a shorter term because the marketing department wants to fit it into a PowerPoint bullet list for presentations. Any ideas? TIA.


Joan Berglund Jan 3, 2013:
I think we all agree that the text is best translated as "heart failure patients", the problem is that it does not fit the client's PP format and the client would prefer not to change it. Actually, if it were my presentation, I would just change the point size, but it may be that the point size is already at the minimum from the client point of view. I was just offering a couple suggestions. Also, since it s a PP, the abbreviated version could still be read aloud as "heart failure patients" for more clarity.
Angela Dickson (X) Jan 3, 2013:
Our job as translators is to produce an understandable target-language text that functions in the same way as the original, and Joan's approach is entirely compatible with that.
Drmanu49 Jan 3, 2013:
It seems that the translator's job is to translate, not to change the source text. There must be a reason why it is insuffisants and not insuffisance.
Angela Dickson (X) Jan 3, 2013:
I agree with Joan - you could just use "heart failure" and make it clear later in the sentence (if it isn't obvious already) that the reference is to patients with HF. No reason to slavishly reproduce every nuance of the FR if it isn't necessary to the overall sense.
Drmanu49 Jan 2, 2013:
The term "insuffisants cardiaques" definitely points at patients.
If only the condition were considered it would be "insuffisance cardiaque", fem. and singular. But in the next sentence, patients are mentioned again.
Joan Berglund Jan 2, 2013:
would it work to use just "heart failure" with "cases of" or "patients" implied? Depending on how the rest of the list reads, this might work. Or you could use HF patients, but maybe only if the full expansion is given in the text somewhere nearby since I don't think it is an obvious abbreviation.
Drmanu49 Jan 2, 2013:
it must be patients since the condition has has been diagnosed, and since it is a clinical presentation "presenting with".
philgoddard Jan 2, 2013:
I don't think there is any way you can make it shorter, apart perhaps from saying "heart failure patients" instead of "patients with cardiac failure". This sounds more like a DTP problem than one of translation.

Proposed translations

4 mins

heart failure patients


Note added at 6 mins (2013-01-02 16:50:03 GMT)

Heart Failure - FAQ
Here is a list of commonly asked questions by heart failure patients. Only your ... Some patients with mild heart failure may be able to perform jobs that require ...

Note added at 7 mins (2013-01-02 16:51:00 GMT)

Heart failure patients treated by a cardiologist, rather than hospitalist ...
6 Nov 2012 – When a cardiologist attends to heart failure patients, even when the severity of illness is higher, patients have reduced rates of hospital ...

Note added at 8 mins (2013-01-02 16:52:08 GMT)

if you'd rather avoid "patients"

people with heart failure

could be a viable alternative

Heart failure - NHS Choices
by NHS Choices - 2011
The condition can affect people of all ages, but it is more common in older people (more than half of all people with heart failure are over 75 years of age). Heart ...
Peer comment(s):

neutral writeaway : why not just cases of heart failure. there are no patients in the Fr and he needs it short. Apparently client didn't realise that cardiac failure isn't idiomatic English. fwiw I don't do Med but even I knew this without looking it up....
9 mins
disagree merlrennes : Heart failure is a prompt condition, not something that describes the case of a patient taking medication
20 mins
Your comments make no sense to me; also I am a medical translator so know this is spot on.
agree philgoddard : I don't see anything wrong with this.
1 hr
Thank you! Yes, we can all over-complicate stuff.
agree bmorita : I agree. For an investor brochure, this is the appropriate translation.
1 hr
Thank you!
agree Nikki Scott-Despaigne : "Heart failure" or even "HF" if it needs to be really short ! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heart_failure Wikipedia indicates that the term is not always recognized as technical. @ Writeaway, I like "cases"; note "insuffisant cardiaque" means psn with HF.
2 hrs
Thank you!
agree CHAKIB ROULA (X) : Yes, HF
17 hrs
Thank you!
agree Catherine Butler : These seem to be appropriate
17 hrs
Thank you!
agree Cetacea
18 hrs
Thank you!
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you again."
2 mins

Heart problems

This is marketing I guess
Peer comment(s):

neutral writeaway : no, this is heart failure, which is a condition that is treated by medication. heart problems is too general.
28 mins
disagree Cetacea : "heart problems" could be anything; this refers to a specific medical condition or rather patients suffering from it. What is more, it will be great news to the medical world that heart failure cannot be treated with medication...
18 hrs
disagree Angela Dickson (X) : putting "heart problems" when the true meaning is "cardiac/heart failure" (which is a specific condition) would be disastrous and entirely unacceptable. Strong words, I know, but the consequences of getting it wrong are severe.
21 hrs
Something went wrong...
2 mins

patients presenting with heart failure

Guidelines for the Evaluation and Management of Heart Failure
by JF WILLIAMS Jr - 1995 - Cited by 180 - Related articles
With few exceptions, patients presenting with acute heart failure require hospital admission, particularly those with an initial episode of failure (see page 2778).

Note added at 3 minutes (2013-01-02 16:47:23 GMT)

A common term for those patients.

Note added at 4 minutes (2013-01-02 16:48:13 GMT)

L`insuffisance cardiaque en questions - Comprendre l'insuffisance ...
www.heartfailurematters.org › Home › FR - Translate this page
European Society of Cardiology Heart Failure Association of the ESC ... L'insuffisance cardiaque est une affection fréquente mais grave, et parfois progressive, ...
L`insuffisance cardiaque en questions - Heart Failure Matters
www.heartfailurematters.org/FR/ - Translate this page
European Society of Cardiology Heart Failure Association of the ESC ... dizaines de millions de personnes souffrent d'insuffisance cardiaque dans le monde.
Bien vivre avec l'insuffisance cardiaque (Living well with heart ...
www.stjoes.ca/.../HeartFailureLivingWellWithFRE... - Translate this page
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View
L'insuffisance cardiaque est un important problème de santé dont le degré ... un régime alimentaire particulier, vos symptômes d'insuffisance cardiaque peuvent ...

Note added at 26 minutes (2013-01-02 17:10:08 GMT)

It must be patients since the condition has has been diagnosed, and since it is a clinical presentation "presenting with".
Peer comment(s):

disagree Cetacea : Absolutely, but the asker needs something shorter than he/she originally came up with.// "heart failure patients" is accepted medical terminology, no reason to get wordy. See e.g. http://www.fda.gov/NewsEvents/Newsroom/PressAnnouncements/uc...
18 hrs
Shorter doesn't make it right, sorry. You actually disagree with a correct answer???
Something went wrong...
5 hrs

Heart failure

Peer comment(s):

disagree Cetacea : The term is "insuffisant cardiaque", which refers to patients rather than the condition itself. Besides, the same term has been posted hours earlier...
13 hrs
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