Jan 16, 2003 11:52
22 yrs ago
21 viewers *
French term

Au programme

Non-PRO French to English Other
Eux ont eu la chance de grandir en Mai '68 et durant les annees benies qui ont suivi. Au programme : l'idealisme politique des gauchistes et la decouverte de la liberte sexuelle, du rock 'n' roll, des voyages lointains et du cannabis.

Proposed translations

21 mins


I would only use agenda after the list of items...

ex. "...,...,....,and....were part of their agenda."

Note added at 2003-01-16 12:15:32 (GMT)

Or ...they rallied around the ideals of ..., ...., ...., and.....
Peer comment(s):

agree Hepburn : or even as it is : On their agenda: ...
35 mins
agree Louise Dupont (X)
44 mins
agree Clair Pickworth
50 mins
agree Jane Lamb-Ruiz (X) : right; turn sentence as she says
1 hr
agree Refugio : On their agenda
2 hrs
agree LoreAC (X)
2 hrs
agree PaulaMac (X) : On the agenda: or On the agenda were
3 hrs
agree Gwenolé Allain
1 day 2 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "That's great, many thanks!!"
5 mins

In the program(me)

Peer comment(s):

agree Parrot : or "Included in...". This structure in French is common, but jars a bit in English.
4 mins
Thanks for your comment
neutral Sara Freitas : I agree with Parrot that this jars in English. It is not really idiomatic, at least in U.S. English.
16 mins
Thanks for your comment
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10 mins

On offer:

Programme on offer:
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13 mins

their platform included:

programme politique > platform
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13 mins

Their imminent tasks:

That is to say, the intentions and purposes they will set out to accomplish.

"Programme" here with the meaning of "Exposé des intentions de quelqu'un" (LAROUSSE).



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15 mins

Their program: / Their experience:

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3 hrs

The curriculum included: ...

It seems to fit "grandir," I think that the author meant the programme of studies

Note added at 2003-01-16 15:29:31 (GMT)

I\'ve just forgotten the quotation marks, \"studies\" of cannabis etc :-))
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4 hrs

there were prospects of...or else they could count on

another way round, as this programme bit sounds a bit odd in E and curriculum difficult to grasp as "deuxième degré"
Peer comment(s):

agree lien : les annees benies de la crise du petrole et le vietnam. O, sorry, old memories
2 hrs
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