Glossary entry

French term or phrase:

Vous souhaiteriez contribuer à un certain climat de racisme que

English translation:

you seem to be going about it as if you wanted to contribute to...

Added to glossary by Terry McKinven
May 11, 2010 09:27
14 yrs ago
French term

Vous souhaiteriez contribuer à un certain climat de racisme que

French to English Social Sciences Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc.
This is a sentence that comes a letter aimed at two former Belgian senators, female ambassadors for Muslim faith. It is about the wearing of veils and how these two women seem to want to help Muslims but seem to disapprove of Muslim women evolving. So, this question is addressed to them. Here is the full sentence:

"Vous souhaiteriez contribuer à un certain climat de racisme, d’intolérance et de discrimination que vous ne vous y prendriez pas autrement. Pourquoi?"

Is anyone able to help translate this? The way I understand it is:

"You hope to contribute to what is an undeniable environment of racism, intolerance, and discrimination that...??? Why?"

Hopefully someone can shed some light on the topic.



B D Finch May 11, 2010:
Agree with Tony On use of conditional and I don't understand why Answerers are translating "certain" as "current". Perhaps Tony would like to post an answer as he got there first?
SJLD May 11, 2010:
s'y prendre Look this up to explain "vous ne vous y prendriez pas".
"Certain" is not "undeniable" here - it's not about certainty at all - typical everyday French usage explained in most dictionaries.
Tony M May 11, 2010:
Note the conditional... It's important not to overlook that use of the conditional here. I'd suggest something like "It looks as if you are seeking to contribute..."

Also beware of over-translation — where does that 'undeniable' come from? 'certain' is the same usage here as 'a certain... ' in EN, but does not mean it in the sense of 'sure'.

Proposed translations

4 hrs
French term (edited): vous souhaiteriez contribuer à ... que vous ne vous y prendriez pas autrement

you seem to be going about it as if you wanted to contribute to...

I hesitated to submit an answer, as I am far from confident that I have truly got to grips with the whole of the meaning here. However, with the proviso of a confidence level of <1, this is sort of the way I understand it.

Naturally, this form of wording probably wouldn't fit in the register of your document as it stands, but I hope it might at least give you a starting point to work from...

And I can only echo previous comments about 'certain' — this is not the meaning 'sure, definite' here, but rather the idea of 'an element of / somewhat' — where we quite often use 'certain' in EN too. As in: "a certain reticence to explain the whole story"

Note added at 4 hrs (2010-05-11 14:06:02 GMT)

My interpretation is that this is not the 'true' conditional here, but rather that specifically FR usage that distances the speaker from the situation, rather in the way in the UK we sometimes say 'allegedly...' in order to avoid being taken to court for libel! « Selon X, il y aurait eu 6 morts et une trentaine de blessés... »

Note added at 4 hrs (2010-05-11 14:07:18 GMT)

Sorry, I've just noticed that my explanation got truncated above, so here it is again:

I hesitated to submit an answer, as I am far from confident that I have truly got to grips with the whole of the meaning here. However, with the proviso of a confidence level of 'less than 1', this is sort of the way I understand it.

Naturally, this form of wording probably wouldn't fit in the register of your document as it stands, but I hope it might at least give you a starting point to work from...

And I can only echo previous comments about 'certain' — this is not the meaning 'sure, definite' here, but rather the idea of 'an element of / somewhat' — where we quite often use 'certain' in EN too. As in: "a certain reticence to explain the whole story"

Note added at 4 hrs (2010-05-11 14:08:57 GMT)

Sorry, I've just noticed that my explanation got truncated above, so here it is in full:

I hesitated to submit an answer, as I am far from confident that I have truly got to grips with the whole of the meaning here. However, with the proviso of a confidence level of 'less than 1', this is sort of the way I understand it.

Naturally, this form of wording probably wouldn't fit in the register of your document as it stands, but I hope it might at least give you a starting point to work from...

And I can only echo previous comments about 'certain' — this is not the meaning 'sure, definite' here, but rather the idea of 'an element of / somewhat' — where we quite often use 'certain' in EN too. As in: "a certain reticence to explain the whole story"

Note added at 4 hrs (2010-05-11 14:09:54 GMT)

System glitch?
Peer comment(s):

agree Najib Aloui : the original is slightly less direct but since it's polemics...
1 hr
agree Verginia Ophof
2 hrs
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
19 mins

If you want to exacerbate the current atmosphere of racism, intolerance and discrimination, then...

If you want to exacerbate the current atmosphere of racism, intolerance and discrimination, then that's the right way to go about it. Why are you doing this? / why are you taking this attitude?
Peer comment(s):

agree Marian Vieyra : Yes, but as Tony says begin with "It looks as if " you want to exacerbate...
2 hrs
Not really. The conditional is "If" or "Should" or perhaps "Had you intended to exacerbate....then you wouldn't have gone about it any other way." Thanks though!
agree John Detre : // thanks! (I think :-) )
2 hrs
Thank you, John. There's always something very reassuring about an "agree" from you!//Yes, it was a compliment!
agree chaplin : should you wish should appear
4 hrs
agree Desdemone (X)
5 hrs
Something went wrong...
21 mins

Your aim is to.../you aim to ....?

I don't think you would use the same tense in English.
Something went wrong...
27 mins

You couldn't do any better if you were trying to....

and add Emma's : exacerbate the current atmosphere of racism, intolerance and discrimination
Peer comment(s):

agree Najib Aloui
5 hrs
Something went wrong...
1 hr

Your implacable view of the veil contributes to a climate of racism, intolerance and discri..

and then perhaps with Emma's "Why do you take this attitude?"
Something went wrong...
2 hrs

if you wanted to fuel/exacerbate the current atmosphere of racism, intolerance and discrimination,

you would have done exactly the same. Why?
Something went wrong...
5 hrs

Should you be contributing to exacerbate a certain atmosphere ...

of racism, intolerance and discrimination, then...

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So why should you be contributing. burt bees skin care reviews ... Both your fingers and your hair have oil that will only exacerbate the problem. ... - Em cache
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If you are a parent, how much should you be contributing to a 529 plan? ...... While colleges seek to level the playing field, other forces exacerbate ...
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