Glossary entry (derived from question below)
French term
The context is women's move into playing a more active role around the First World War. The author writes that women were no longer on the fringes of society, unlike the the "courtisanes de la Belle Epoque qui n'étaient pas 'reçues'". "Reçues" is in inverted commas in the original.
Clearly this means they were not welcomed into "respectable" circles but is there a short, even one-word way to say this? I don't think "received" works.
I've researched demimondaines and Victorian etiquette to no avail so far.
Many thanks.
Sep 12, 2013 13:01: Emanuela Galdelli changed "Term asked" from "\"reçues\"" to "reçues"
Sep 13, 2013 15:40: jmleger Created KOG entry
Proposed translations
agree |
Tony M
2 mins
Thanks Tony
agree |
Emma Paulay
: or "invited". In French we do say "je reçois ce soir" when we've invited friends for dinner.
3 mins
Thanks Emma
agree |
4 hrs
Thanks Gilou
"inner circle" or "elite" or "spheres of influence"
You could also try to play with "being kept in the recesses" or "contained".
Good luck!
(considered) "acceptable"
who were not considered 'polite company'
agree |
Olga Koepping
: I like that, very idiomatic
15 mins
Thanks, Olga!
agree |
: I think that's precisely the sense of recevoir here.
23 mins
Thanks, Phil! :-)
agree |
Evans (X)
: Yes, this works nicely
38 mins
Thanks, Gilla!
agree |
Jocelyne S
: 'Chapeau'!
41 mins
Merci, Jocelyne !
neutral |
: I hate to say it, Tony, but surely they are talking about (polite) society rather than polite company ?
3 hrs
Yes, but we're not even talking about 'society' here; 'not polite company' is a euphemism for 'not the sort of people one wants to be seen with'
agree |
Yolanda Broad
: Included in polite company. You had to be a member of "society" to be included in society events.
6 hrs
Thanks, Yolanda! Yes, otherwise you were 'transparent', invisible...
agree |
Jim Tucker (X)
9 hrs
Thanks, Jim!
agree |
19 hrs
Thanks, Mill!
were treated like pariahs
Note added at 43 mins (2013-09-12 13:25:46 GMT)
SNUBBED by society
Note added at 1 hr (2013-09-12 14:31:48 GMT)
Note added at 2 hrs (2013-09-12 14:59:22 GMT)
ostracised by polite society
A lady grinning as much as Miss Elizabeth and her sisters are shown would not be received into society, and might be assumed, by gentlemen of her acquaintance, to be inviting intercourse of a more than conversational nature.
Soon after Lachlan Macquarie's arrival as governor in 1810, he stated that he found that no transported men had yet been received into society at Sydney. He felt, however, "that emancipation, when united with rectitude and long-tried good conduct, should lead a man back to that rank in society which he had forfeited".