Glossary entry

German term or phrase:


English translation:

requirement to give notice of defects

Added to glossary by Paula Price
Jun 23, 2003 16:16
21 yrs ago
German term


German to English Law/Patents
Auf eine Wareneingagskontorlle sowie die Einhaltung sämtlihcer Untersuchungs- und Rügepflichten ($377 HGB) wird bei XXXX oder fü XXX tätige Auftragsfertiger einvernehmlich verzichtet.

Proposed translations

2 mins

requirement to give notice of defects


Note added at 2003-06-23 16:21:12 (GMT)

Dietl/Lorenz has a longish translation: (des Käufers) requirement to make a complaint in respect of a defect immediately on receipt of goods
Peer comment(s):

agree Kathi Stock : yes
1 min
agree heikeb : important though: immediately on receipt of the goods
2 mins
Yes, that's what Dietl adds.
agree Edith Kelly
3 mins
agree Eckhard Boehle : in German, of course, it's "RügepFlichten"
6 mins
agree Olaf Reibedanz
17 mins
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks a lot Kim."
5 mins

requirement(s) to give notice of defects

according to Romain

obligation to report defects
Peer comment(s):

agree Eckhard Boehle
4 mins
Something went wrong...
8 hrs

compliance with all inspection and notification requirements

You don't need to say "defects". It's obvious if you use the terms together. It is one function, to inspect and notify. Notification without inspection is, well, silly, but if you don't inspect properly, notification is pointless. In this respect, the HGB tracks the Uniform Commercial Code, the Vienna Convention on the International Sale of Goods, etc.
The provision goes on to say that they're not going to do a joint inspection.

Note added at 2003-06-24 00:24:00 (GMT)

Just read the Dietl phrase Kim quotes. Whew! \"Inspection and notification requirements\" will do it.
Peer comment(s):

agree Petra Dr. Schmidt-Sarbutt
19 hrs
agree writeaway
2 days 11 hrs
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