Glossary entry

German term or phrase:

von ... über ... bis (hin) zu

English translation:

from ... through ... to

Added to glossary by Beate Lutzebaeck
Apr 10, 2002 09:12
22 yrs ago
20 viewers *
German term

von ... über ... bis (hin) zu

Non-PRO German to English Other
I like this tripartite division of the German sentence structure (see sentence below), but I don't seem to be able get this across into English syntax where you only seem to have the option of saying along the lines of "ranging from bla bla bla to bla bla bla".

"Das Produkt-Portfolio reicht von Wand- und Bodenfliesen über Küchenarmaturen und Tafelgeschirr bis hin zu Wannen, Duschen und Badaccessoires."

Is there any way I could get this across in English, using from ... through [?] ... to ???

Proposed translations

3 mins


through is fine

Note added at 2002-04-10 10:17:41 (GMT)

The research encompasses a very wide range of systems, behaviours and concepts, and ranges from phenomenological theories for experimental interpretations to fundamental theories of strongly interacting, random or amorphous and critical systems. A wide variety of techniques is employed, which range from intuitive and phenomenological approaches, through computational ones to highly sophisticated field theoretic, renormalisation and topological methods.

Peer comment(s):

neutral Jan Liebelt : Only in the States.
5 mins
And I believe Oxford is not in the States
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you all! I needed native speaker confirmation as to whether "through" is possible - seems to me that it is not so much a question of "idiomatic correctness" than taste. The points go to Cilian for providing a "real-life" example (with Mirjam a close second ... ;-))."
5 mins

from .... though ... all the way to

The product range extends from .... through ... all the way to ...

Or alternatively ...

The product portfolio ranges from X to Z via Y.

Can't see why that shouldn't work!


Peer comment(s):

disagree Jan Liebelt : It's not a journey.
3 mins
Nobody ever suggested it was - this is perfectly normal usage!
agree Elvira Stoianov
41 mins
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6 mins

from....including...down to....

would be my suggestion:

the product range extends from ....tiles, includes kitchen.....and ...... down to tubs.
Peer comment(s):

disagree Jan Liebelt : It'S not a logical sequence, but a list.
2 mins
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6 mins

This was as well my first idea of how to translate it. I nevertheless checked it in the PONS and according to them you can use it.
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8 mins

Includes X, Y and Z

There is no logical sequence, though this is a favourite ploy in German.

Stick to "includes" and "and", is your best bet.
Peer comment(s):

agree Anja Brito : I agree with those who feel that from... via/through... to... sounds translated and think that the solutions proposed by Jan Liebelt and xxxbrute work really well in most cases, if you want to avoid this germanicism. Anja
887 days
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32 mins, from and from ... to

I have had this problem a lot so I am glad someone has finally posted this as a query! OK, the above might look funny but I like using it (only once in one text, mind) if the list is quite long. The "through", "via" or "over" option sounds very translated to me and I have only used it (usually "via") when I had no other choice. I have not actually seen the tripartite division in any original English text, as far as I can remember.


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51 mins including

I would have put it his way round
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1 hr

"as well as / even"

"The product portfolio contains wall and ground tiles, as well as kitchen armatures and china, even tubs, showers and accessories"!
Peer comment(s):

agree Anja Brito : I agree with those who feel that from... via/through... to... sounds translated and think that the solutions proposed by Jan Liebelt and xxxbrute work really well in most cases, if you want to avoid this germanicism. Anja
887 days
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