Glossary entry

German term or phrase:


English translation:

female-shaped tailor's dummy (textiles not shoes)

Added to glossary by Steffen Walter
Nov 16, 2003 10:04
21 yrs ago
1 viewer *
German term


German to English Tech/Engineering Textiles / Clothing / Fashion
Auf speziellem Frauenleisten gefertigt

I presume they mean the tailor's dummies. Is that what they are called or is there another word for them?
Change log

Jun 21, 2007 18:12: Steffen Walter changed "Field" from "Other" to "Tech/Engineering" , "Field (write-in)" from "textiles" to "(none)"

Jun 21, 2007 18:12: Steffen Walter changed "Edited KOG entry" from "<a href="/profile/32066">Susan Geiblinger's</a> old entry - "Fraeunleisten"" to ""female-shaped tailor's dummy (textiles not shoes)""

Proposed translations

3 mins


or tailor's dummy

Note added at 2003-11-16 12:18:23 (GMT)

special (specific) last (designed) for ladies/female feet

If we\'re talking about footwear!

Note added at 2003-11-16 12:20:00 (GMT)

Zamberlan have different lasts, accordingly to different targets, such as the anatomy of the user and destination of the boot, as well as to the intended purpose of the boot. We have specific lasts for female users, that take into account the anatomy differences between male and female feet. We have different lasts for different markets as not all feet are the same. We also take into account the different intended purpose of the boot as we believe the necessities are not the same for an ice climbing boot versus a light weight boot for on-trail use.
Peer comment(s):

agree IanW (X)
0 min
agree Jirina Nevosadova
15 mins
agree Cécile Kellermayr
1 hr
agree Gareth McMillan : Can also be spelt Manikin (corr. of Mann Kind on Männchen?) Who translated the Zamberlan stuff??§$%&?? "Female dummies?" Watch out for femminist comeback (er, feedback)!
5 hrs
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
1 hr

shoemakers tool for making and reparing women's footwear

Kennst Du das Sprichwort:"Schuster bleib bei Deinem Leisten!"?
Über den Leisten wird der Schuh gearbeitet, siehe Link.( Frauenleisten sind Vorlagen für Damenschuhe (

Engl.: last = holding device shaped like a human foot that is used to fashion or repair shoes. A shoemakers tool: a wooden or metal block shaped like a human foot that a shoemaker or cobbler uses for making and repairing footwear

Note added at 1 hr 35 mins (2003-11-16 11:39:42 GMT)

Mein Großvater war Schuster...;-)
Peer comment(s):

agree jerrie : Definitely last for footwear
39 mins
agree Hilary Davies Shelby
3 hrs
agree Johanna Timm, PhD
5 hrs
agree roneill : Exactly
7 hrs
Something went wrong...
Comment: "Talking about clothing not shoes"
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