Feb 16, 2007 07:33
18 yrs ago
16 viewers *
Italian term

discutere e deliberare

Italian to English Bus/Financial Business/Commerce (general)
Il Presidente accerta l’identità dei presenti, constata la validità della riunione ed invita i presenti a discutere ed a deliberare sull’argomento posto all’.....

Proposed translations

52 mins

discuss and pass resolution on

This is how I usually translate them.
Peer comment(s):

agree James (Jim) Davis : or just "resolve" in context
17 mins
agree Peter Cox
31 mins
disagree Paul O'Brien : You can't decide in advance that the motions are going to be passed. So you go to the meeting to vote.
5533 days
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
10 mins

discus/debate and decide

my suggestion

Note added at 12 mins (2007-02-16 07:45:11 GMT)

Peer comment(s):

neutral CMJ_Trans (X) : discuss should be enough. You can add debate if you wish. Decide is something else
41 mins
Something went wrong...
19 mins

to discuss and deliberate


Good luck!
Peer comment(s):

agree Stylish Translations
42 mins
Many thanks, Cristina!
agree Marinela Sandoval
18 hrs
Thank you very much, Marinela!
Something went wrong...
1 hr

debate and vote on

another go
Something went wrong...
8 hrs

discuss and reach a decision on...

or come to a decision on...

I am adding 2 quotations out of English websites.
1. "Members were asked to give the matter careful consideration and be prepared to discuss and reach a decision on the way forward..."
2. "The Executive Board shall discuss and come to a decision on a budget request to present the Student Government Association..."
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